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Finn's POV

I've never been so scared and shocked in my entire life.

"She's pregnant." Wyatt said.

"No? Really? I had no idea. She didn't even tell me."


"I don't know... What now?"

"You need go see her. You don't have a choice."

"But, what if she doesn't want to see me?"

"Finn, this is your kid we're talking about. You need to go."

"What if she's still mad?"

"I mean... you called her dramatic and problematic for being hurt about you texting your ex, behind her back. When she had every right to be mad."

"I know, I know. I messed up big time."

"You need go make things right, now."

"I can't go there."

"Dude, grow a pair. You have a kid to look out for now. Plus, if you truly care about her you would go see her."

"Do you think she'll want me around the kid though?"

"That's the dumbest question I've ever heard. You have every right to be part of his or her life. Aida wouldn't not let you see them."

He was right. I had to make things right with her. I care about her and our baby, that I just found out about, I want be part of both their lives. I just don't think she'll let me.

But I truly care about them. Over my dead body will my baby grow up without their father. And I won't let Aida raise him or her alone. Don't get me wrong Aida has a high paying job and is a strong person, but parenting isn't easy from what I heard. I'm happy that I'm having my first kid with her. She's the only girl I've ever seen fit to be the mother of my children. I love her more than anything, I hope the feeling is mutual.


Aida's POV

I was watching an episode of Jane The Virgin, and then I heard a knock at the door. I went to open the door to see Wyatt standing there. He had an undescribable look on his face. 

"Umm. Wanna come in?" I said.

He walked in.

"Sit down we need to talk." He looked serious. But there was no where to sit, so we sat on boxes.

"Talk about what?"

"Is there something you're not telling me?"

"You need to be a bit more specific."

"Okay. When did you plan on telling me or Finn that you were pregnant?"

"I was gonna tell you Wyatt, I swear."

"And Finn?"


I was speechless.

"He's the father, he deserves to know." He said, as if I didn't already know that.

"I wanted to tell him. I told him that we needed to talk and he made some joke about me being pregnant and said that he didn't want kids."


"Does he know now?"

"Yes. Obviously."


"I was in the washroom and I found a pregnancy test. He saw the results."

"What was his reaction?"

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