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"What the hell were you thinking?" I shouted.

By this time we were at home. Finn suggested that we wait until we got here to talk, though I was too angry to have a normal talk.

"Can you at least let me explain myself?"

"She's pregnant, Finn. How do you justify that?"


"Just so we're clear, her baby isn't coming near min--"

"Our," he corrected.

"Her baby isn't coming anywhere near mine."

Maybe it wasn't fair for me to do that, because the kids obviously had nothing to do with this. However, if our children were to grow up together, Danielle would be near my child. That was not a risk I was willing to take.

"This is a misunderstanding, just hear me out."

He reached for my hand and I backed away.

"I'm listening," I muttered.

Finn's POV

I knew that this time she was upset by the situation, and that it wasn't her hormones really acting out, because I haven't been able to tell the difference lately. So I began to explain everything to her in the most calm way possible.


"We don't have to be boyfriend and girlfriend. I could just be your company whenever you're lonely. And you seem very lonely," Danielle said.

"Fine. You can give me company whenever I'm alone, BUT you can't get attached..." I reply.

"Okay..." She said as she straddled my hips. "And you won't regret this."

Then she connected her lips to mine.

"Woah," I said, pushing her off my lap. "That is not what I meant, at all."

"Then what am I your company for?"

"You can be a friend I call whenever I'm free. You can be with me when I'm bored, just not in that way."

End of flashback.

"You're telling me that you didn't sleep with her at all?" She asked.

I nodded.

"We got a few drinks later that day, and she got really wasted then threw up all over her clothes. So I changed her into mine, and let her sleep in my bed. And she still thinks we slept together."


"Danielle said that only to get to you. I didn't do anything with her, cause I was still thinking of you."

"If you were still thinking of me, why didn't you call or text me?"

I can never win with her

"You blocked me off of everything."

"Why didn't you come see me?"

"You told me to stay away from you."

"Finn, you knew about your baby."

At this point, I was running out of patience. I understood she was upset, but I was not going to stand there and let her place all this blame on me as if I was the only one at fault.

"Don't act like you're innocent in all of this," I spat. "You hid the fact that you were pregnant from me for weeks! And instead of finding out from you, I found out from a test you forgot in my washroom."

"It wasn't that easy, you know. I wanted to tell you."

"Really? When?"

"The first time was when you came home after getting news about your show. You were already sad, and I didn't know how you would take it, so I decided to break the news to you the another day."

"When was the next time?"

"About a week later, we were at my place watching a movie. I stopped the movie and said that I had to tell you something. Your exact reply was; 'What angel? You're pregnant? I'm sorry, that wasn't funny, cause we don't want any children at the moment.' You made it hard."

Aida's POV

"I'm sorry that I made it hard for you, but I had every right to know. It's my baby too, and I hate that you kept it from me."

"Finn, I swear, I was going to tell you."

"You expect me to believe that?" He retorted. "You left the state without talking to me."

I didn't know whether it was my hormones or my real emotions that got the best of me, because what I said next was something I instantly regretted.

"Maybe if you weren't still in touch with Danielle I wouldn't have left in the first place! While we were broken up you spent most of your time with her, she was the reason why we broke up in the first place. How do I not know that you're just here for the baby and that she's the one you're really in love with?"

Finn's angry expression was replaced one of sadness. Tears formed at the brim of his eyes, and I realized that I really hurt him.

"How could you say that?" He said quietly.


"I came here was cause I wanted to be with both of you, especially you. The only reason why Danielle was with me so much was because I needed someone to distract me from how much I was hurting when you weren't around. You are the one who gives my life meaning, it's why I asked you to marry me. So if you still question how I feel about you, then maybe we shouldn't be together."

Then he just stalked off.

A/N: Ouch.....

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