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I woke up with a blurry vision and all I could see was a white light.

Then I heard a machine beeping as my sight got clearer and I could see that I was in a hospital room. My parents were sitting in chairs fighting to stay awake.

"Oh thank god you're awake!" My mom said. Her eyes were a little red and kinda puffy. I could see that she's been crying.

"How are you feeling?" My dad asked.

"I'm doing okay."

"I'll go get your siblings," my mom said leaving the room. Now it was just me and my dad.

"I'm so glad that kind young man found you and brought you here before it was too late."


"He said his name was Jaeden."

"Is he still here?"

"I don't know. I can check." He said as he left the room. A couple minutes later he came back inside with Jaeden.

"Jaeden?" I smiled.

"You're awake." He said as he hugged me.

"You two know each other?" My dad asked.

"Yeah, I met him through Wyatt and Finn." I said.

My mom later came in with my siblings.

"Hi Jaeden." Noelle said.

"You know him too?" My dad asked her.


"Aida who did this to you?" Jordan asked.

"It was Finn's crazy ex. She saw me walking alone and attacked me."

"Why would you guys leave h-" my mom started.

"Before we start pointing fingers at each other, let's make it clear, it's no one's fault but Danielle's."

Before anyone else could say anything, the doctor came.

"Hi Aida, I'm doctor Benson. Can I speak to you alone?"

"I think I should go now." Jaeden said walking out.

And she looked at the rest of my family.

"My family can stay." I said.

"Okay, it's not bad news anyways." She said making everyone sigh in relief.

"Fortunately, the blade didn't hit the baby, so the baby is fine." She added.

"Thank goodness." I sighed.

"But you'll have to stay here for the rest of the week, cause you have a mild concussion. We'll have to do a few checks before we discharge you."

Then she left the room.

"You should go home and get some rest." I said looking at everyone. They all looked unsure. 

"You all have work, if not for yourself, do me a favor and go get some rest. Please."


I woke up the next morning to see Jaeden sitting in one of the waiting chairs.


"Hey, how are you feeling?"

"I'm doing okay. Stomach still hurts. What time is it?"

"It's 8:15."

"Oh ok."

"Want me to call Wyatt or Finn to let them know you're here?" He asked as he took out his phone.

"No, I want them to hear it from me. I'll tell them know once I get out."

The last part wasn't entirely true.

"Okay. By the way, Noelle told me to let you know that your parents went to the police station earlier and filed a report."

"Hope she gets arrested... Thanks Jaeden."

"It was no problem. Who do you hope gets arrested?"


"Wasnt that Finn's ex from like 3 years ago?"

"Yeah." I mumbled.

"She's still after him?"

I nodded in response.

"I have a bad feeling about this." He sighed.

"So do I."

 "Hopefully it ends soon... I need go now. Have to be on set ready to go by 11:00. I hope you feel better." He said and hugged me one last time.


To be honest I no longer felt safe in LA. I couldn't walk around knowing that she could be ready to attack me, again. What if I'm not so lucky the next time? What if my baby isn't so lucky next time?

I decided that I was gonna leave California. Move to New York. I have cousins and friends in New York, and I could ask my boss if I can relocate to the branch in Manhattan. 


Finn's POV

I was on my way to have brunch with my older brother Nick and my mom. As I was driving, I passed by some of the places me and Aida used to go to on our dates. I remembered the day that I gave her the promise ring. She also gave me one, I still wear it. It's been a month since we split and I'm still wearing it.

I still haven't deleted any of the pictures either, cause I just can't let go. I try to tell myself maybe this break up is redirecting me to something, well someone better. Yet something inside me is telling me that I should really go see her, but I can't bring myself to do it.

After 15 mins of driving I pulled up to the diner. I went inside and Nick waved me to a table he was sitting at with my mom.

"Hello." My mom said with a smile.


"Hey. Why do you look so sad?" Nick asked.

"It's nothing."

"It's Aida, isn't it?" My mom asked.

Why did I even try to lie? My mom always knows when I'm lying.


"You never talk about why you two broke up. What even happened?" Nick asked.

"Danielle and I were texting and she wasn't happy about it. She got mad and I told her that she makes a big deal out of everything. Then it went downhill from there."

"Why did you stay in touch with her? After all she did to Aida? After everything she's done to you?" My mom asked.

"I don't know. I just thought maybe we could be friends...."

"Do you want to get back with Danielle?" Nick asked.

"Never. I still love Aida."

"Then you should tell her that before it's too late."


Aida's POV

I was on my laptop scrolling through info of houses for sale in New York when a really nice one caught my attention. I instantly knew that was the one I wanted.

I signed up for a house tour and bought myself a plane ticket, so that I could fly out in a couple weeks.

I also needed somewhere to stay before I got settled in. I opened instagram and sent a text to one of my greatest friends.

Hey Noah

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