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I went upstairs into our shared bedroom and walked into the closet then changed into a hoodie and a pair of sweats. I needed to get some air, and clear my head a bit.

I returned downstairs and wore my sneakers before I walked out of the front door.

I sat on a bench at the park as I stared off into space while fiddling with my engagement ring. Every time I looked down at it, I thought of Finn and was reminded of the fight we just had, which only made me cry.

So much for clearing my head.

I felt someone sit beside me, but I didn't care to look at them, until I heard their voice.

"Now what is it that you like so much about parks and evenings?" Brian asked teasingly.

"Hey," I said as I took out my ear bud.

When he saw the tears rolling down my cheeks, a concerned look took over his face.

"What's wrong?"

"Trouble in paradise," I replied.

He noticed the ring on my finger, and his eyes widened.

"Did he?"

"Yeah," I nodded. "But I'm not sure about us anymore."

"Why not?"

"Cause he deserves better than me," I sniffled.

"What makes you say that?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

"Well, we got into a bad argument..."

I spent the next half hour explaining everything to him. From all the issues we've ever had with Danielle over past two years down to the heated argument that Finn and I had today.

Once I finished explaining everything, Brian sat there wide-eyed and completely speechless.


"I know."

"That's a lot."


"So the recent argument was about you keeping the baby a secret?"


"In his defense, you should've told him. I understand you were worried about how he'd take it and it does take lots of nerve to break that news to someone who might not want kids. However, you should've tried harder."

"I know that now," I sighed. "Everyone told me to talk to him, and I regret not listening."

"I also understand why you would question his true feelings after the fact that he spent all that time with that lunatic. However, he continues to choose you over her. He asked you to marry him and he came all this way just to be with the two of you."

"You're right."

"I think it's time I do the same thing, for my baby."

"What? " I asked in shock.

I wasn't even sure if I heard him right.

"The other day at the theater, my ex, Cara, called me."

"Yeah, I remember..."

"She told me that I'm gonna be a dad," he smiled.

"No way! How far along is she?"

"Around the same as you."

"Maybe our kids will be friends."

"There is a chance," he nodded.

"How do you feel?"

"A little jet lagged, cause I just got back from Australia."

"Is that where you've been all this time?"

"Yeah, Cara lives there."

"Oh. Are you gonna move back to Australia?"

"I don't know yet," he shrugged. "She wants to raise the baby there, and I wanna raise them here. We're both trying to figure out the best option."

"I hope you come to a decision that is convenient for you both."

"I hope so too. Now, back to you. Do know your baby's gender?"



Brian had already left, yet I stayed out a little longer. You'd think I learned my lesson by now. It was not until I felt raindrops on my forehead that I decided it was time to go home.

By the time I reached my porch, I was drenched. I entered my house and quietly closed the door behind me. I removed my soaked sneakers at the door, then made my way to the living room. I walked to in to see Finn sitting on the couch, nervously tapping his foot on the ground. When he layed eyes on me, he instantly stood up. He opened his mouth to say something, but I stopped him.

"Before you apologize, I'm the one who owes you an apology. I've done and said a lot of things to you that I wish could take back..."

He took a step towards me.

"One of the worst of them done was keeping our baby a secret. I can't blame you for not coming to see me when I told you to stay away, even though I knew that I was pregnant. And I am truly sorry for that. You're the father, you deserved way more than finding out from a forgotten test, so you have every right to be mad."


"I'm also sorry for second-guessing your feelings. You staying in contact with Danielle sucked, but other than that you've been nothing but amazing to me. I have this fear of losing you, because you're the best thing that's ever happened to me. Even though I'm fucked up, you somehow always loved me."

He looked up at me with a small smile.


"No, you're always the one apologizing after a fight even when I'm the one who's wrong. So I understand if you're not sure about us, because you deserve someo--"

He took my face in his hands and interrupted me with a kiss.

"I don't want anyone else," he said softly. "I only need you to understand that I won't ever choose Danielle over you."

"Good," I said, as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Can you promise me one thing?"


"Promise me we won't ever let Danielle get in between us again. She's done that too many times, I want this one to be the last."

"Me too," I sighed.

"Do you promise?"

"I promise."

I leaned in to give him a kiss, but our moment was interrupted by the sound of his phone ringing.

"Who is it?" I asked.

"No one important."

He declined the call only for his phone to start ringing again.

"You should take that."

He placed a quick kiss on my lips before walking into the next room and taking the call.

Being the nosy person I am I started listening closely, but I could barely make out what he was saying because he was almost whispering.

"No, I can't come over, Aida is here right now. I'll come see you tomorrow."

He hung up and came back to me.

"Who was it?"

"Just a guy friend," he shrugged.

Sometimes he forgot that I could tell when he was lying. And this was definitely one of those times.

A/N: Lying is a sin, Finn!

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