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Aida's POV

My face dropped, and a loud silence took over. A tear rolled down my cheek when I finally blinked. I wiped it away quickly. We remained almost frozen for what felt like an eternity until I replied,

"I'm gonna give you the chance to take that back."

When he didn't respond, I repeated,

"Finn, take it back."

More tears streamed down my face, more than I could control.

"How can you say that? Take it back."

Finn simply turned around and disappeared into the hallway, leaving me to cry on my own. I kept on wiping my face, however, my hands couldn't keep up with the tears.

I understood that these past few weeks haven't been easy, but surely it was something that we could work through. We didn't need to end like this, we couldn't.

Just give him some time, I told myself. Finn was simply in need of some space. He was still my fiance, the man I was going to marry.

I shut the TV off before grabbing the food off the coffee table to take into the kitchen. Once everything was in the fridge, I made my way back to the bedroom.

I changed into a silk nightgown before styling my curls into two french braids. I slipped into the sheets and shut my eyes.

This will all be over by the morning.


The following morning, I entered the kitchen to find Finn standing between the fridge doors. I slowly approached him in hopes that he'd be willing to talk about last night's events.

"Good morning," I said.

Finn poked his head out, only he wasn't Finn. There was a subtle difference in height between the two that I missed this morning.

"Oh, hey Wyatt."

"Hi Aida," he smiled, "how are you?"

"I've been better," I shrugged, "how about you? What have you been up to?"

"Same old, same old."

In other words, he's been occupied with booking major roles and filming on set.

"I can't even stay long," he added. "I'm only here to help Finn with his things."

A puzzled expression shadowed my face causing Wyatt to have the same one. What the hell was going on?

"I thought you two had a talk," Wyatt stated, his expression not changing.

If calling me a "total pain in the ass" followed by saying that he couldn't see himself being happily married to me counted before walking away, then yeah, we had a talk.

"Wyatt," Finn called, "I'm ready to leave now."

Wyatt exited the kitchen and I followed closely behind. When we reached Finn, I noticed the suitcases and travel bags clustered by the front door. My now tear-filled eyes darted toward him.

"What is this?"

"I meant what I said," he responded.

I moved closer to him, taking his hands in mine. Finn's eyes shifted to the floor, refusing to meet mine.

"Let go of me."

Wyatt stared at Finn and me awkwardly. He gestured towards the door with his thumbs before grabbing as many suitcases as he could before making his exit. Once he was gone, I faced Finn.

"I'm sorry," I whispered. "I know I haven't made things easy but I can be better."

"I've heard that before."

"Not from me."

"What difference does it make?" He spat.

My heart dropped. How could he place me in the same category as that psychopath? I tried to remind myself that he was just upset, maybe even trying to hurt me. Finn would never mean that.

"The difference is that I love you."

"Right," he scoffed, "and you've done an amazing job at showing that."

"Don't leave," I pleaded, "I need you here."

"To be your doormat? I'll pass."

"Let me prove that I can be better."

"You had that chance," he retorted, "and you blew it."

Without any more words, Finn collected the remainder of his bags and made his way out. Once the door closed behind him, I fell to my knees before bursting into tears.

I had no clue as to how much time I had spent balling my eyes out on the floor, but it was long enough for both my knees and head to ache.

I asked myself, How could he let it go like that?

My heart was heavy as ever. Finn hadn't been gone for a day and I already missed him. Ideas of how I could earn his forgiveness began flooding my mind. I needed to make this right. That was the only way we'd have the future we were meant to. The one I have been thinking of since that day outside Lilia's house.

That future was still meant to be. This was the bigger house he promised me, the only thing missing was the man who made it all possible. He was going to come back, I was going to make this right.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and sent a text to each of my siblings, asking them to come over. Then I got to my feet. I strolled up the stairs and made my way through the hallway on the right. My eyebrows knitted together when I opened my bedroom door. Since when were the walls coral?

My gaze dropped to the light furniture spread throughout the room. A white crib stood by the window, underneath the sun's rays which highlighted a pink stuffed bunny I wouldn't have noticed otherwise. Beneath it was a thick carpet that extended to a couple of inches away from my feet. After stepping on it, I learned that it was much softer than it looked.

A nursery.

I took a seat on the wooden rocking chair to the left of the crib, gently swaying back and forth. My lips stretched into a subtle smile as I fantasized about holding my daughter in here; while I would read or sing to her. On second thought, it was a better idea to leave the singing to Finn. I made small circles with my hands, massaging my bump.

"Mom and Dad are so excited to meet you," I started. "He's not here, but he'll be back soon. Things are just really hard right now."

Because I'm pretty stubborn, I thought.

However, I was going to learn to be more cooperative. I really upset Finn, and I was going to make it right.

"Everything will be better by the time you arrive. I have faith that they will."

Then it hit me.

"Faith," I repeated.

That was it. My daughter's name. She was my tiny beacon of hope after all. It was perfect.

"I'm gonna call you Faith. If your dad doesn't like it, he can suck it u⁠—"

I cut myself with a chuckle. Old habits were hard to break.

"I mean, we'll figure it out."

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