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The rest of the evening was quiet. Alexandria had gone home for the night, however, her words stuck with me.

Make sure it's one you won't regret.

Since Alexandria had left, I had opened my messages with Finn at least ten times. Typed a text, erased it, and repeated these actions until I abandoned my phone for my skincare routine.

Maybe it's a bad idea, I told myself when I grabbed my cleanser. If it wasn't, I wouldn't be so unsure, right?

My time in the bathroom was spent coming up with all sorts of reasons why I shouldn't reach out. Excuses ranged from needing to allow him his space or that I would've only screwed up his healing process; all part of the true reason I thought it'd be best to keep my distance.

I peeled the sheet mask from my face and then dropped it in the trash. Aside from giving my skin the hydration it desperately needed, I thought it would maybe put my mind at ease. I should've known it was going to take a lot more than that.

I slipped into my warm sheets before reaching for the book on my nightstand. My phone sat next to it, immediately lighting up with a Google Photos icon. Enjoy this memory of Finn, the notification read.

I quickly swiped left and placed my phone face down. The notification was nothing more than a coincidence. As soon as I opened my book, the sound of a closing door emanated from downstairs.

I immediately froze in place, listening closely to make sure I wasn't going crazy. It wasn't long before footsteps echoed in the upstairs hallway. Before I could decide where to hide, the floor creaked in front of my door.

Without a second thought, I hopped out of my bed and slid underneath it. I realized that I should've grabbed my phone on the way under, but the door was already opening. I watched two feet in white socks enter the room—why weren't they in shoes?

I heard them sigh. "Where are you, Aida?"

Although the voice was barely louder than a whisper, the familiarity of it prompted me to poke my head out from under the bed. There he stood, clean-shaven, and with more life in his eyes than the guy at the beach.

Finn's eyes landed on me and confusion temporarily replaced the concern in his expression.

"What are you doing down there?"

I shook my head with a chuckle before sliding the rest of my body out from under the bed. "I thought you were an intruder." I got to my feet and dusted myself off. "Did you forget something here?"

"Um, not exactly." Finn's gaze shifted to the floor as he rubbed the back of his neck. "I came to see you."

"Oh," I said.

I noticed him relax a bit. Because of my behaviour the last time we were in the same room, Finn was probably expecting hostility. Then I was reminded of the real reason I decided to keep my distance.


"Why?" I asked, hoping it came out nicely as I intended.

"You're gonna think I'm crazy."

I almost said, No, I won't. However, I couldn't guarantee that without knowing what he was about to tell me.

"Try me."

Finn gestured toward the bed. "You should sit down for this one."


I kept my earphones in throughout the entire car ride, even if Finn had said something, I would've been unable to hear him. His single statement in our room convinced me that I heard enough conspiracy theories to last a lifetime.

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