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By the time I had woken up from my nap, Jordan was long gone. He had left me a text saying he had somewhere to be without specifying where that was. Next to my phone was a plate filled with vegetables surrounding a small hummus bowl. I sat up straight and wrote a text to Jordan.

Thank you for the veggie platter<3

Jordan replied almost immediately, that wasn't me, thank Finn instead.

I got to my feet with my phone in my hand, and exited the room, leaving the plate behind. My very lovely fiance probably laced the vegetables and hummus with sedatives to make sure I wouldn't move around too much for his liking.

At the same time, I couldn't deny the sweetness behind this gesture. No matter how angry he made me, I knew his heart was always in the right place.

When I finally found the kitchen, a task that shouldn't have taken me the time it did, I took a seat on one of the island stools. I was craving something extremely sweet, as I had been this entire pregnancy. Scrolling through the dessert recipes on my phone, I realized that I didn't know where half the utensils were; let alone ingredients.

I'll order dessert instead, I decided. I opened the UberEats app and spent the next fifteen minutes flipping through the wide selection before making up my mind.

I exited by the left doorway and strolled through the long hallway before finding myself in one of the living rooms. Fortunately, this one happened to have a large TV screen. I grabbed the remote from the coffee table and dropped myself onto the light gray couch. After spending some time looking at Netflix's endless options, I chose to watch Coraline. A movie I could never get tired of.

As Coraline approached the little door, ready to enter the other world for the first time, I got a notification letting me know that my food had been left at the gate.

"The gate?" I whined.

I stood up with a huff before making my way outside. Once I was back inside, I needed to catch my breath. Had I considered the possibility that I would have to walk to the gate and back with at least five different desserts, I would've ordered a lot less. I set the sweets on the coffee table and lifted the takeout bowl that held my Belgian waffle topped with whipped cream and brownie pieces. This was unhealthy in every way, at the same time a craving was a craving. Besides, my daughter was being treated to a great dessert. A win for everybody.

I shoved pieces of my waffle into my mouth while I viewed the remainder of the movie. The sound of approaching footsteps sped up my heartbeat. I thought I was here alone.


Finn's POV

When I stepped into the living room doorway, Aida jumped. On any other day, I'd apologize for startling her, but this was not one of those days. I started to make my way to another room until she said,


I rolled my eyes before I faced her.

"I bought dessert earlier today," she mentioned, gesturing at the coffee table.

"I hope this time you'll eat it instead of decorating me with it."

Aida let out a giggle which was cut short when I didn't join her in her amusement. Her little paint project last week left an ugly stain on really good clothes. Nothing was funny about this, not to me at least. 

"I got your favourite," she added. "I thought maybe you'd wan—"

"You were wrong."

Her face dropped.

"Well, I'm sorry for trying to do something nice for you."

I'm sorry for trying to do something nice? Was that seriously all she had to say for the way she had been treating me?

"After being a total pain in the ass?" I retorted. My mouth probably should've stopped at that, but it didn't. "I may love you, but I can only put up with so much."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means—"

Don't finish that sentence.

"I want my daughter to grow up in a happy, healthy family; where her parents are happily married."

Don't say it. Once you do, you won't be able to take it back.

"But I don't think that that can happen anymore," I shrugged. "Not with you."

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