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A gentle breeze crept through the slightly open windows, swaying the curtains back and forth. Slim rays of sunlight beamed through the moving curtains, adding little light to my room. I was well aware that exposure to light wasn't the best for my concussion symptoms, however, lying in a dark room with all my fears was even worse for my sanity.

The hours following Officer James' visit were spent tossing and turning. The last thing my mind did was allow me to rest. I could only think about Finn's condition and my last moments with him.

"You said you owed me for saving your life, remember?" His voice was barely above a whisper. "You can repay me by letting me protect you."

"Angel, please."

"I love you."

And that monster pulled the trigger before I could finish saying it back. Because of her, he may never get the chance to hear me say those words again.

I could only imagine how much the press and social media tea pages were feeding off this matter. Now that I was fully alert, I realized it was those vultures outside the house while I was on the stretcher.


Finn and I have managed to keep our relationship out of the public eye, and I intended it to be the same for Faith. She deserved to have a childhood that wouldn't be picked apart by millions of strangers.

I pulled the blanket off my legs before slowly easing them off the bed. Because of the medication brought by the nurse, my headache was less intense, and I had an easier time getting myself to stand.

My right hand gripped the IV pole, partially relying on it for balance as I made my way to the door. The overhead LED lights were blindingly bright, especially because I had spent the last ten hours in a partially lit room. I felt the effects of the medication reversing, however, it wasn't enough to make me return to my room. I had to see Finn.

According to one of the hospital signs, the intensive care unit was on the third floor. Once the elevator took me there, I went from door to door until I finally found his.

I slowly shut the door behind me, careful not to make a sound. The likelihood of me being allowed out of my room, let alone in his, was quite low. I had made it too far to have to leave because I got myself caught.

I lowered myself into the spot next to Finn's legs. I reached forward and pushed his black curls out of his perfect face.

Finn looked much better than he did the last time I saw him. If it weren't for yesterday's events, or the nasal cannula attached to his face, I would've mistaken him for someone having a peaceful nap.

"How is it possible for you to be going through hell and still look this handsome?" I asked, continuing to play with his soft hair.

"Faith's alive, Finn. You were right. They're gonna do a DNA test first to confirm it, but we're getting our daughter back. When you wake up, we can finally start our life as her parents."

Just like Alexandria did with her husband, I found myself regretting the time I spent fighting with Finn. All the arguments and the leaving, I made a vow to leave that in our past. From then on, we would talk about issues like adults instead of arguing like teenagers. More than ever, I knew this was who I wanted to spend every moment with. And if I could get him back, I would never let him go again.

This time, we'd be in it for life.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23 ⏰

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