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I was now five months pregnant, which meant I was going to find out my baby's gender very soon. I couldn't be more excited. I had a strong feeling that we were going to have a little girl, however Finn didn't agree. Only time would tell which one of us were right.

My cycling class had ended, and everyone was getting ready to leave.

"Don't forget there's no class next week," Amelia said.

People started to walk out of the room, and I walked towards Amelia.

"Hey girl."


Amelia and I have been at the same schools since kindergarten all the way to the end of the twelfth grade, so we've known each other for a while. Though, we weren't best friends or close friends at the time, we've always got along very well. We lost touch when I moved to Los Angeles, but we started talking again once we ran into each other here and we've gotten much closer.

"How's my niece or nephew doing?" She asked, gesturing to my stomach.

"Doing great."

"Excited to find out the gender soon?"

"Duh. Finn and me are betting on genders. He thinks it'll be a boy, and I know that it will be a girl."

She furrowed her brows in confusion.

"Does he know who he's betting with?"

"That's what I said."

She reached into her pocket and took out her phone, checking the time.

"Looks like I gotta go now," she sighed. "Another class awaits."

"Okay, bye."


We exchanged a quick hug before she left. I took out my phone and sent Finn a text.

My cycling class ended, I'm gonna walk home today

I picked up my gym bag and headed out.


Finn's POV

I received a text from Aida saying her cycling class was over and that she was walking home alone.

"Yes," I whispered.

I was glad that I didn't have to pick her up this time, because it meant that I had more time at the jewellers to get something special for my girlfriend. I opened the FaceTime app and called Aida's father, Darian. Asking him a question was part of my special plan. To my luck, he picked up.


"Hey Darian!" I said.

"Finn! How's everything?"

"Great. Is Andréa there? I need to talk to both of you, it's important."

"Yes, she is here. One moment."

Darien set his phone on the coffee table in their living room, and left room. A minute later he came back with Andréa and they sat on the couch.

"Hi Finn."

"Hey Andréa."

"Finn says that he needs to talk to us about something important."

"It's about Aida."

A concerned expression came over Andréa's face.

"Is something wrong?"

"No, everything's fine."

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