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Finn's POV

"You won't beat me this time," Millie smirked as she aggressively pushed the buttons of her controller.

"We'll see about that," I chuckled.

Almost everytime I came over, Millie and I would spend hours working on a nursery for the baby. Often times, I would end up falling asleep on her couch.

Even though Aida recently bought a house here, the nursery was being built in a new house that I bought in Los Angeles. I wanted the nursery to be a complete surprise, that's why I wasn't building one at home. On top of that, most of her family and my friends lived in Los Angeles, therefore living there was the better option.

Whenever Millie and I weren't planning the details of the nursery, as a result of our short attention spans, we played video games. I know, how productive of us. Last time, we were interrupted, because Aida needed me at home.

Knowing Aida, there was a huge possibility she believed that I was cheating on her, even though the thought would never cross my mind. I knew her really well. Well enough to know that when she "accidentally" dropped her ring under the couch, it was to distract me so that she could take a look at my phone. Good thing I remembered to change my password and removed her finger print.

I looked over at the small clock on the wall and realized that this was a waste of our time. I let the controller slip out of my hand, making it seem like it was an accident, so that Millie would win. And we would finally be able to continue working on the nursery. Millie's kart passed mine, causing her to jump up from her seat with a triumphant smile.

"Ha!" She shouted. "I win."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever."

"Don't be such a sore loser, Finn."

"Can we continue planning, please? Aida is starting to get suspicious, and that just makes all of this harder to hide."

I reached into my bag and pulled out my laptop before placing it on my lap.


Millie picked up her laptop as I opened mine.

"Who's in charge of the furniture in the nusery?" I asked.

"Jack's in charge of it," she said. "He said he's gonna assemble the furniture with Wyatt and Jaeden."


"Did you tell Paloma to find out what color and theme Aida wants?"

"Yes I did."

"Perfect. We should do a videochat with them to make sure that everyone's on the same page."



Aida's POV

I was in the kitchen looking for something to eat, as usual, when all of a sudden I felt a pair of strong arms wrap around my waist.

"Hey," I smiled as I turned around to face him. "Where have you been?"

"Went to go run a few errands."


"You know, pay my phone bill, go buy some groceries," he said, gesturing at the grocery bags set on the island.

"I was also visiting a car dealership."

"Why? Don't we have enough cars?"

"We're gonna need a bigger car for when our baby arrives."

"I never even thought of that," I said. "Anyway, what groceries did you buy?"

I removed Finn's arms from my waist and walked over to the grocery bags.

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