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Aida's POV

I woke up to blinding white lights shining from above. An ambiguous figure stood a few feet away. Once my eyes adjusted to the brightness of the room, she came into full view. Although her back was facing me, I could recognize her from anywhere.

"Amelia." My voice was barely above a whisper.

She turned around with a bright smile. "You're awake."

Then I noticed the baby cradled in her arms.

"How are you feeling?" Amelia asked.

"Exhausted." I paused, taking in her romper. It was the same design as the one she wore to my baby shower, except this one was white.

"You don't look too happy to see me."

"It's not that—I never thought I'd see you again."

Amelia's eyebrows scrunched. "And miss the chance to meet my niece?" She made her way over to me and gently placed a sleeping Faith in my arms. "You and Finn did a beautiful job, by the way."

A smile tugged at my lips as I traced my daughter's features. They were just like her father's. I was genuinely happy to see Amelia. I only wished that she could've been able to experience this with her child. Amelia would have gotten this chance if it weren't for

"What happened wasn't your fault, Aida."

I didn't understand how she knew what I was feeling, but I couldn't bring myself to ask.

"It's written all over your face," she continued. "You can't keep blaming yourself."

Maybe Amelia was right. I couldn't continue to blame myself when the psychopath responsible hadn't yet faced the punishment she deserved.

"I don't want you going after anyone either."

"But your family"

"Focus on yours," she interjected. "The rest will take care of itself."

Amelia leaned forward, wrapping her arms around me. I closed my eyes, sinking into the warm feeling.


My eyes opened gently. I found myself in the same hospital room—this time empty and silent, aside from the beeping machine next to me. An intense ache penetrated my abdomen, and it worsened as I tried to sit myself up.

The door opened and a thin light-haired nurse slipped in. She shook her head as she rushed over to my aid.

"Hey, hey, take it easy. You just had a C-section."

The badge clipped to her shirt dangled in my face as she eased me onto my back.

Denice R.

"Where is she?"

A brief silence filled the room. Denice's grey eyes avoided mine, and without a response, I already had my answer. My stomach twisted, and suddenly I wanted to throw up.

This can't be happening, I thought. It doesn't make sense.

Tears blurred my vision as I stared ahead. She was kicking me yesterday. How was this possible? I was supposed to be holding a baby with life in her, having a tiny hand latch around my finger. There was so much love in me that I was ready to pour into her. What did I do to deserve to be robbed of that chance?

My entire world...ripped away with a single fall.

"I'm so sorry," she said softly.

The nurse continued with something about me still being able to have children as if another one could replace my precious baby. My first baby.

My sight remained glued to the wall even when my room door opened. Those familiar footsteps approached me and soon I felt my hand lifted into an even softer pair. He was free to say whatever he wanted, however, nothing would've changed the burning hatred I had for him.

"They asked me who to prioritize..."

Every single muscle in my body tightened.

"I had to." He swallowed. "Aida, I h—"

I yanked my hand away, still not willing to face him.

He rambled on about not being able to let me die, and other things I couldn't be bothered to listen to. That decision came at the price of my daughter. Finn let my daughter die.

"This hurts me too, I'm her fath—"

"You don't ever get to call yourself her father."

"That's not fair," he whispered.

"You know what isn't fair?" My voice raised. "I'm here and she isn't!"

A tear rolled down my cheek. My daughter had her whole life ahead of her. And if I had left Finn alone, she would've gotten the chance to live it. If only I hadn't been so stupid.

"We can always have another—"

I banged my fist against the bedside table. "You left me, Finn. Or did you forget that already?"

"And I'm so sorry."

Finn took my hand only for me to rip it away again. All this time I believed he only cared about the baby. Never in my life did I hate being this wrong. Why couldn't he have chosen her?

Well, lucky for Finn, he was no longer tied to me. He was now free to go on and raise a child in a home where their parents were happily married. And just like Finn said before, that wouldn't happen with me.

"I never wanna see you again."

"You don't mean that." 

I turned my head slowly before locking eyes with him. At that moment I realized it was silly of me to think nothing would change my feelings toward Finn, his watery eyes somehow intensified my hatred. The brown eyes I was once able to admire were nothing more than pathetic dark specs that I couldn't wait to get out of my sight.

I made sure to enunciate through my gritted teeth. "Get...the fuck...out."

My burning gaze followed him to the door. Before twisting the doorknob, he turned around to speak. I held my hand up, cutting him off before he could begin. I heard enough.

A mild satisfaction crept into me when I heard the door shut. After Finn, no one else followed because of my strict request to be left alone. Seeing more people I knew would have only made this nightmare more real.

And I wasn't ready for it to be.

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