9. Movie night

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Conner's pov

We arrive back at the house and as soon as we enter the smell of popcorn floods us. Gabbie comes running over "Movie night" She screams happily. 

"Yes" I smile. I glance over to Mateo who looks fine with the idea. She leads me into the living room and I sit down on the couch beside her and Jackson. Mateo walks over and sits down beside me. 

"What movie should we watch" Jackson picks up the remote and turns on Netflix. "What about friends" Hannah suggests. "Sure" I shrug. 

Jackson turns on the first episode and we all settle down in the couch. We get half way through the show and I glance around the room. Every ones eyes are glued on the TV.

Over the past little while I have gained 3 new friendships; Mateo, Jackson, and Noah. I'm not that close with them except for Mateo but I still consider them my friends. 

We end up watching almost 2 seasons. Gabbie is already asleep on Jackson's lap who has his head leaned back asleep. Hannah is curled up into a ball sound a sleep and Noah is also sound asleep. Mateo is some how surprisingly still awake. 

My eyes get heavier and hard to keep open. I finally cave in and close my eyes. My head falls onto Mateo's shoulder and I fall asleep faster than I ever have. 

Mateo's pov

I glance over to Conner and see her struggling to keep her eyes open. Her eyes finally close and soon afterwards her head falls onto my shoulder, leaving me the only one awake. 

I gently move Conner's head off my shoulder and stand up. I scoop Conner into my arms and carry her up to her bed room. 

I lay her down on her bed and pull the blankets up to her neck. She quickly snuggles into the blankets and lets out a soft snore, causing me to smile. I turn to walk out of the room but Conner mumbles something, making me turn back around. 

"What" I whisper. "Don't touch me" She mumbles as she starts to stir around in the bed "Stop please" She mumbles, having a nightmare. 

I walk back over to her and gently shake her, trying to wake her up. "Conner, its just a dream" I whisper as I continue to shake her. 

She jolts up and scans around the room until she sees me. "Mateo" She says quietly, almost a breath. 

"I'm right here Conner" I reassure her. "He had me again and he wouldn't let go. It felt so real" Her eyes become glossed over from tears. 

"Its okay, it wasn't real" I pull her into my arms for a hug and she hugs me back. "Can you stay, please. I don't want to be alone" She whispers. "Of course" I nod. 

I let go of the hug and walk over to the other side of her bed. I crawl in beside her and she quickly snuggles up to my chest. I stroke a piece of her blonde hair behind her ear and her eyes close. 

Her breathing slows down, indicating that shes a sleep. Not long after her my eyes become heavy and I also fall a sleep. 

Conner's pov

My eyes slowly open. I turn around to see Mateo still sleeping beside me. He looks so peaceful. 

I turn back around to my phone and open it up. I go through all my missed messages and eventually I switch to looking through the news feed. I realise while scrolling through I was still on Alberta news so I switch it over to Greece news and continue scrolling. 

I scroll for a while until I hear Mateo stirring beside me. I set my phone back down and turn to face him. "Morning lovers boy" I smile. 

"Morning" His Greek accent coming out even more with the tiredness in his voice. He rubs his eyes and looks over at me. "Did you sleep good after last night." He asks. 

"Yeah, I actually got a good nights sleep" I utter. Mateo looks over at the time and sits up from the bed. "I better go down stairs and check to see if anyone is awake" He yawns and stands up. 

"Ill be down there in a bit" I sigh. He lightly nods and walks out the door. If it was up to me I would lay in bed all day and do nothing. 

I pick my phone back up and dial Finn's number. I have really been missing my brothers, I would do anything to see them right now. On the third ring he picks up. 

'Hello, Finns phone" Some one else other than Finn answers the phone. It doesn't take any tie at all for me to recognise the voice. 

"Jacob, its you" I smile, even though he can't see it. "Conner, how have you been" He asks. I can tell hes happy over the phone. 

"I've been good actually" I sigh. "Well that's good. Finns in the shower right now just in case your wondering why I have his phone" He utters. "Okay well tell everyone I say hi" I utter back. 

"Okie dokie. Ill talk to you later sis" He says before hanging up the phone. Hes in a hurry to get some wheres. 

I go back on the news and start scrolling again. I flick through them all but finger quickly stops at a post. 

'Prince Mateo Alvarez gone to Vegas and back very soon'

What. the. hell. 

Its about to get gooooooooood

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