15. Ice skating

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Conner's pov

Sadly, everyone liked the idea of going skating so all 6 of us are going. 

I don't know if I should be disappointed or not. I would love to spend the afternoon alone with Mateo, especially after last night, but I'm also scared if we take things to far It could ruin our friendship. But I am going to have to deal with all 6 of us being there. 

And who knows, maybe they can take my mind off of what happened last night with Mateo. 

"We are here" Noah announces as we pull into the ice rink Mateo rented for the day. Times like these, I am so glad he is a prince. 

We all pile out of the car and into the building where the ice rink is. We walk to the back rooms where the lockers are and get ready. 

All of us are dressed a little warmer than usual. I chose to wear a cute jacket with a beanie and some jeans. Mateo wears a beanie and a sweater. I told him he would be freezing but he didn't listen. 

Poor guy. 

Jackson is the first one to step onto the rink. He falls as soon as he fully stands up and all of us laugh. Gabbie goes next to help him up but he ends up pulling her down with him. 

All of us find our way on the rink and after many falls, we finally get the hang of it. I was born an expert since I use to go skating with my family all the time. Mateo isn't that bad and Noah is the worse. 

I've been holding his hand to make sure he can actually stand up. 

"I think I got this now" Noah takes a deep breath. I loosen my grip on his hand, letting him go off on his own. 

Mateo comes up and stands beside me. We both watch as Noah actually skates. 

"I feel like a mama bird who just watched her baby fly out of the nest" I holding my heart. "You are so weird" Mateo chuckles. 

Mateo's hand fiddles with mine until our fingers are interlocked with each others. 

I look down at our hands to find him looking at the same thing. We look back up at each other. Mateo starts skating, pulling me along with him. 

He makes us skate in some circles than around the rink. 

I don't realize how much time has passed until I look around the rink and see almost everyone gone. Noah just steps out and walks into the locker room. 

Mateo turns to me and pulls my into his chest. I take in his heavenly scent. I need to know what cologne he wears so I can go out a get a couple bottles for myself. 

We lock eyes and his hands come up to rest on my hips. 

"I was kind of disappointed we got interrupted last night" He fiddles with one of the belt loops on my jeans. "So was I" I utter. 

I watch as his eyes switch between my lips and my eyes. He starts to lean down.

"Wait" I stop him. He just looks at me with his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "I don't want to ruin our friendship" I utter. 

"You were fine with it last night when we were an inch apart" He says in confusion, recalling what happened last night. 

"I've had time to think about it since than and I don't want to ruin this amazing friendship we have" I utter, feeling terrible from the look on his face. "Your only thinking of the bad Conner. What if we take things to the next level and we work out. You can't deny the feelings there are floating in the air" He confesses. He's got a point, maybe I have only been looking at the bad side of this. 

Time to put an end to that. I need to be positive in life. I think.

Without wasting another minute I stand on my tippy toes and put my lips on his. 

They are softer than I thought they would be. Not that I have been thinking about them. 

After a moment I pull away and we just look at each other. "What was that for" He questions with a smirk growing on his face.

"I have to be positive right" I shrug and he kisses me again. I smile into the kiss when he starts tickling me in the ribs. 

I pull away from him and skate away only for him to follow. He almost catches up but I make a sharp turn and he trips over his own feet, causing me to break out laughing. 

I go over to wear he lays and hold out my hand. He takes it but instead of me helping him up he pulls me down with him. I land on his stomach. 

He kisses my cheek and I laugh. 

AN: This does not mean they are officially boyfriend and girlfriend yet. 

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