28. I hurt him

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Conner's pov

I hurt him. 

I hurt him more than I ever thought I could. He says I didn't but I know he's just saying that to not hurt my feelings.

I lay in my bed, watching Netflix with the blankets up to my ears, hiding me from the world. The door creaks open and Gabbie walks in. "Hey" She utters gently as she sits down at the bottom of my bed by my feet. 

"Hi" I utter back. She puts one of her hands on her stomach, over the baby. She's getting a little tiny tummy and Hannah and I think it's the cutest thing in the world. I still can't believe my best friend is becoming a mom. 

"You didn't hurt him Conner. I know you think you did but you didn't, he wants you back Conner" I can she is telling the truth. She would never lie to me if she knew it was a lie. 

Everyone keeps telling me I didn't hurt him but I still get myself out of the head space that I did. 

"When do you find out if it's a boy or a girl" I ask, changing the subject. "In 3 weeks. We were further along then we thought but we are thinking about waiting until the birth to find out. Who knows though." She sighs. 

"I hope it's a little girl, and that she looks just like you" I smile. "I hope so to, Jackson is sculpted by a God don't get me wrong but I still want a baby girl so I can do her hair and put her in little dresses" she chuckles. She is going to make an amazing mother, I just know it. 

"Anyways, you need to talk to Mateo. And Henry now that I think about it" She winces and stands up from my bed. I groan and turn over so my face is hidden in the pillows. 

I forgot all about Henry. He's probably worried sick about me and the fact I haven't spoken to him in a couple of days. 

"Have fun with all your boy problems, I'm gonna go continue to grow a human inside of me" She chuckles before she leaves my room. 

I turn back over and take my phone off of my night stand, dialling Henry's number. 

He picks up the first ring "Conner, are you okay" He asks worriedly. "I'm okay Henry, I've just been busy the last few days, wanna meet up some where's?" I ask him, I need it figure this hole thing out. 

"Yeah sure, coffee house at around 3?" He suggests. "Okay, see you then" I utter before hanging up the phone. 


I walk into the coffee house and see Henry sitting down at one of the table by the windows. I stroll over and take the other seat. He looks so damn happy to see me it's breaking my heart. 

"Conner, hey. It's so good to see you" He smiles and takes my had in his. "It's good to see you too" I fake a smile. 

"I ordered you a small coffee, I hope that's okay" He doesn't stop smiling and it keeps breaking me. "Thank you" I reply. 

Silence falls upon us. His thumb slowly rubs back and forth on the hand and both of our gazes fall to the table. 

I little bell above the door rings and my eyes look up. Mateo looks around and when he spots me he comes striding over. 

I let go of Henry's hand and stand up from the table. 

Mateo finally reaches the table and now Henry's attention is on him to. "You didn't hurt me, yes those words you said dented me a little but no wheres near enough to make me not want you or think you hurt me. I love you Conner, more than words can say so I want you back. I know your happy with him, not like how you were with me though" He says, cupping the sides of my face in his hands. 

I feel my eyes become glossy. Henry stands up from the table and looks at me "If you want to go be with him I won't stop you Conner. I don't want to be the person that stands in the way of true love" He utters, making my eyes become even my glossed over. 

I feel a tear roll down my face by Mateo rubs it away with his thumb. Just like he has rubbed away all my other problems. 

"Thank you Henry. I wish you the best I really do" I say and he nods, walking off. I look back at Mateo who's fighting a smile. 

"I don't think we are ready for marriage just yet but I really want to be with you Mateo. I love you to god damn much" I laugh through my cries. A smile spreads on his face and places his lips on mine. 


Not me posting a chapter at 1 in the morning even though I should be getting sleep because my sleep schedule is shit :) Not me though.....

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