32. Christmas eve

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Conner's pov

All 6 and a half of us flew back home to Alberta to spend Christmas with our families. 

Hannah went back to her parents house, Gabbie and Jackson went to Gabbie's parents house which also means they had to tell them about the pregnancy. The actually sounded really happy and they already love Jackson. 

Mateo, Noah, and I all are at my parents house with my 3 brothers. Noah doesn't have family here but we didn't want him spending it alone so he's staying with us. So far my parents and brothers adore him. 

Mateo decided not to spend Christmas with his family this year and spend it with me instead even though I gave him a whole speech about why he should spend it with phoebe and his parents. 

Now my family, Noah, Mateo, and I all sit around the dining room table eating our Christmas eve meal. 

Oh and we told them about Mateo and the whole prince thing. And about the marriage and divorce. Let's just say they were very shocked but it had to happen at some point. 

"So Conner, do you get any royalty specials in the mall. There's a couple things I wanna get" Finn asks with a smile growing on his face. 

"Nope, spend your own money" I tease with a smile. He mocks me under his breath while he shoves some potato's into his mouth. 

"This food is amazing, I haven't had a home cooked meal in forever" Noah says but you can barely under stand him from him having food in his mouth. 

"Thank you Noah" My mom replies. She loves when people compliment her cooking. 

"So you three, when are you gonna move out. I'm the youngest and I already kind o live in Greece but you 3 still live here" I bring up the topic my brothers hate. Dawson, the oldest, already went to collage and then moved back here. Finn, the middle, is half way done his collage but he's doing it online so he never had to move out. And then Jacob, the youngest, says he isn't going to collage. He wants to travel a bit before settling down so now he's just waiting for better weather before he heads out. 

I sure am going to miss coming home to all 3 brothers under the same roof. 

"Well I might be moving in with my girlfriend in a couple of months" Dawson shrugs. Him and Abby have been together for a little over a year now and I really like her, I don't know how Dawson pulled her but he did. 

I mean don't get me, Dawson is a very good looking guy and I can respectfully say that as his sister. He's got dark brown hair and a little stubble growing on his chin since Finn said he looks like a baby without it and he's rather on the tall side. He's also got an amazing personality but still, Abby is drop dead gorgeous. 

"You mentioned that some time last week, didn't you?" My father joins in on the conversation. 

"Yup" Dawson nods. "Hey it's snowing" Jacobs points outside and we all look out the window from our seats. "Well Ill be, that's a lot more snow than we get at Greece" Mateo pitches in. 

"Come on guys" Finn stands from the table and rushes to the front door. I quickly follow behind him and everyone else follows behind me. 

Finn opens the closet by the door and pulls out all the snow gear. "Are you serious" I laugh. 

"Drop dead serious sister" Finn smiles as he puts on a winter jacket. I shrug then grab a jacket as well. Dawson, Mateo, Noah and Jacob all follow our lead and grab a jacket. 

We all put on a hat and a pair of gloves, along with winter boots. 

I look at Finn and he bursts out laughing. I slap his shoulder in return but he continues to laugh. "You look fat in that jacket" He says in between laughs. 

Finn opens the front door and we all pile out side. Finn flops down in the snow on his back and Dawson flops down on Finn's stomach, both laughing their asses off. 

I lay down in the snow and Mateo lays down beside me. I start making a snow angel so he follows my lead. 

I finish my snow angel right as a snowball hits me in the stomach, I sit up fast and see Finn giggling in the corner. 

He's gonna get got. 

I pick up a ball of snow and throw it at him, hitting him right in the shoulder. 

"Oh it's on" Finn pretends to crack his knuckles before throwing another snowball at me. I stand up and everyone else joins in. 

Mom and dad are huddled together in the door with a blanket around them, watching us play in the snow. 

I throw a snow ball at Mateo, hitting the back of his neck. He freezes in the spot and slowing turns towards me. I run and hide behind Noah. "Oh great, now I'm in the middle of this" Noah groans, holding up his arms in surrender but still standing in front of me. 

I feel arms grab me from behind and pull me away from Noah, I look up and see it's Jacob. 

I wiggle around in his arms trying to get away before Dawson comes over to help Jacob. They carry me over to Mateo and put me down in front of him. 

They back away and I stand there looking at Mateo with a smile. I quickly go to run away but Mateo's arms wrap around my waist, pulling me back in. 

I burst out laughing but I stop when Mateo shoves a handful of snow down the back of my shirt. This shit is freezing

I stand still with mouth open from being shocked. "Payback" He teases with a cheeky smile. 

I slowly turn around to face him and see the other 4 laughing beside us. Even my parents are chuckling from the door. 

"Oh your dead now" I say before I tackle him to the ground, laughing the entire time. I land on top of him and sprinkle snow over his face. "You just had to do that" He says, looking up at me. 

"Yup" I smile widely and kiss the tip of his nose. 

I roll off of him and onto my back beside him. I turn my head to look at him to find him already looking at me. "I love you" he utters. 

"I love you too" I smile. 

"I love you so much, oh my gosh I love you too. Kissy kissy kissy" Finn mocks us. 

I throw some snow at him still laying on the ground his jaw drops. "That's it, your done" Finn shakes his head before walking over to us and laying right in the middle of us. Dawson, Jacob, and Noah all walk over and lay down on top of us as well. All of us laughing. 

I can barely breath but moments like these I wouldn't change a thing. 

Sooooooo.... My powers been out the last couple of days (again). Didn't mean to keep you guys waiting. 

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