19. The hard part comes

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Conner's pov

I got to spend a lot of time with my brothers over the last few days and I am very happy for that. I think seeing them was just what I needed. 

But now we are back in Greece. Away from my brothers again. 

Saying goodbye hurt a lot more this time knowing I would be gone for probably a while. 

Mateo pulls up to the castle with Noah and me in the car. The other 3 stayed home since Hannah and Gabbie don't yet know about the whole prince thing. It's been killing Jackson not being able to tell her but he said he would do it for safety of the kingdom. 

The large mental gate opens and Mateo slowly pulls into the driveway, revealing a giant mansion looking castle. 

"This is where I live" Mateo speaks up, noticing that I am in shock. "This is like 5 houses in one" My jaw lightly drops. 

Mateo chuckles to himself "Wait until you see the inside". 

He parks the car and all 3 of us step out. Mateo guides us up to the front door and as soon as he opens it my jaw drops to the floor. 


Everything looks expensive and gold. 

Phoebe comes running towards us and wraps her arms around Mateo. 

"Your home" she squeals while he hugs her back. She lets go of him eventually and surprisingly hugs me. "Hi Conner, It's nice to see you again" She utters while letting go of me. 

"Its nice to see you again too" I smile. 

She playfully punches Noah in the stomach "That's for taking my dollar" She giggles. 

"That was so long ago" He tries to defend himself. 

"Just like your last relationship" She teases and his his jaw drops. I try my best to hold back a laugh. 

"That's it" Noah smiles before chasing after Phoebe who goes running. 

I finally let out my laughs and so does Mateo. "She is my role model" I laugh. 

Mateo just shakes his head than takes my hand, leading my into a room that's filled with a table and chairs surrounding it. 

He sits down at one of the seats and I sit down next to him. 

My legs starts bouncing but his hand comes up and rests on my thigh, stopping it. "What if they hate me" I whisper over to him. "No one can hate you. And if they do I will send phoebe at them" He chuckles. 

"They would really regret hating me then" I chuckle. 

The door swings open and a women and a man walk in. I am guessing they are the king and queen. Mateo and I both stand up to greet them.

The man stands tall and serious while the women is the same height as me and looks to be nice. 

As soon as she see's me her face lights up a bit with a smile. She wraps her arms around me for a hug and I hug her back. "Hello dear, I am Cleo and this is my Husband Nicolas" She points to him who just nods so I give him a small smile. 

We all crowd around the table in our seats. An awkward silence falls upon the table until Nicolas interrupts it "We have found a lawyer so now its up to you guys to sign it. He is here now if you would like to do it now which I recommend" He talks so blunt. 

Me and Mateo both look at each other and don't say anything. To be honest, I haven't given it much thought lately. I wanted to before but then me and Mateo kissed and I haven't thought about it since.

I have no clue what I want to do. 

Me and Mateo continue to look into each others eyes. Searching for an answer without saying it. 

Mateo turns back to his father. "We don't want a divorce" He speaks up. Hearing him say it doesn't sound wrong. It sounds like the right thing to do since my head isn't going off in alarms. 

"Mateo, what in the world are you talking about" His father slightly raises his tone and his mother looks confused. 

"I will continue to hide her from the public eye but we are not getting a divorce" Mateo utters as his hand grabs mine under the table so our fingers are interlocked. 

His father shakes his head as he pinches the bridge of his nose. He lets out a chuckle to himself. "Have you lost your mind son. You can not hide her forever, she will have to go out in the public soon" He chuckles like its all one big joke. 

I don't want to go into the public eye, not now at least. It has always scared me the thought of everyone knowing who I am. Being in the public eye has never been for me. 

"We will keep things secret until we want to do something" He points his finger back and forth between us. 

"Son, sign the divorce papers today and get it over with. Nobody with have to know" He almost yells. 

I glance over at Cleo who just shakes her head lightly and lets her gaze fall to the ground. 

"Can we talk in the hallway for a second" I whisper over to Mateo. He looks at me for a second before standing up. "We will be right back" He utters to his father and we walk out of the room. 

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