25. Moving on

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Conner's pov

The flashing and colourful lights surround me. The loud music covers my ears. I glance around the room to all the people dancing and waiting for their drinks. Everyone looks so happy. And drunk. 

I don't plan on getting drunk, last time that happened I ended up marrying some one. 

I stride over to the bar and sit down at one of the few empty stools. Everyone around me laughs with theirs friend. The sound of empty glasses hitting the table left and right. 

My trance gets interrupted when a person sits down next to me. I glance over to see a man sitting next to me. 

He's got brown hair, a little darker than Mateo's but his hair isn't parted the same way his was. His body is a little thinner but almost the same size as Mateo. His eyes are a light hazel and his jaw line is soft. 

Great, now I am comparing every guy I see to Mateo.

"Hey, I saw you from across the room and I couldn't help myself" He smirks. "Good for you then" I give him a small smile, not showing any of my teeth. 

"I have to ask, are you single?" He questions, narrowing his eyes brows a bit. "Yup" why did saying those words hurt to much? I am suppose to be happy that I am not with a cheater. But maybe I loved that cheater a little to much. 

"That's good to hear, I'm Henry" He hold out his hand and I shake it "I'm Conner" I reply.

"Well I would love to take you out on a date, but that's only if you want to" He winks at the last part. "Sure, why not" I shrug. Like John said, I have to move on. 

I wonder if he is still there? I would love to tell him that I am actually doing it. I think I made a new best friend. 

"Great, how does tomorrow night sound. I can give up my number and you can text me your address so I can come pick you up" He pulls out his phone and I give him my number. 

If he is gonna pick me up at the house I better hide him away from Hannah and Gabbie. Who knows what those two would do if they saw I was going out with a new guy already. 

"I will see you tomorrow night around 7" He smiles before walking back off into the crowd. 

As he walks off I can help but feel a pile of guilt building in my stomach. I should be happy that I am moving on, not guilty.

But yet I am. 


"So, tell me where you are going" Hannah asks form the doorway of my bathroom as I curl my hair a bit for the date with Henry. I decided that I was gonna wear a light blue dress that doesn't hug my body. 

I have 10 minutes until he arrives here. The entire day I have been making sure the coast will be clear for when he gets here. 

I convinced Gabbie to get a hotel for the night with Jackson so that got her out of the house and Mateo and Noah have no reason to come here so I never had to worry about them in the first place.

I couldn't get Hannah to leave though. Since she's single and doesn't really have a life I had nothing to convince her to do. I tried to tell her she should go out to a bar and find a one night stand or even a new boyfriend but she had her mind set on staying on the couch all night. 

"No wheres, I am just going out to a bar by myself to socialise" I hate lying to my best friends but I don't want them to know about Henry yet. 

She stands beside me now, looking at me through the mirror in front of us. "You can tell me if you are seeing a new guy Conner. I won't judge you but there is some thing you should know , about Mateo and the whole cheating thing" She fiddles with her hands. 

I stop curling my hair and turn towards her, waiting for her to talk. 

She opens her mouth so say what she was going to say but she gets interrupted by the doorbell. 

"You can tell me later when I get back" I utter as  walk past her and towards the door. I hear her footsteps follow closely behind mine. 

"I think you need to hear this now, before you go on the date" She mumbles. I want to have a good night tonight which requires no thoughts about Mateo. 

"Well too bad" I utter as I open the front door, expecting it to be Henry but it's not. 

He stands tall like usual, not looking any different from the day I walked out on him. He wears a t-shirt and a pair of jeans. My eyes go down his arm all the way to his wrist. 

He's still wearing his matching bracelet. 

My eyes goes back up to his  to find him already looking at me. Times freezes and for a small moment, the world stops spinning. 

Another car pulls into the driveway but I can't seem to look away from Mateo. It's like my eyes are glued on him. 

For a moment, a small smile tugs at Mateo's lips before Henry walks up beside him wearing a 

"Hey man" Henry holds out his hand. Mateo looks back and forth between Hannah and I before shaking his hand reluctantly. 

"You ready to go" Henry turns his attention to me with a wide smile on his face. I look at Mateo and see hurt written all over his face. 

"Yeah" I mumble, still looking at Mateo. I notice his hand starting to shake by his side. 

"Okay, let's go" Henry smiles and holds out his arm for me. I interlock our arms and we start walking to the car. 

I glance over my shoulder to see Mateo still looking at me, his hand also still shaking. 'Please don't leave' He mouths to me. 

I look at him for a second more before turning my head back around. 

Henry opens my door and I sit down in the passenger seat of his car. He jogs around to the other side and sits down in the car. 

We start driving away and I find myself looking at Mateo again who is still looking at me with more hurt than I have ever seen on his face. He looks like he's fighting off a waterfall of tears. 

Why do I have the need to hug him so badly right now? I should be hating him right now. 

We pull out of the drive way and I can't help but feeling that my body is driving away physically, but everything else is still back there with Mateo. 

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