18. Bringing up the past

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Mateo's pov

After having that little run in with her ex she has been very clingy to me. After we got back home she didn't want to do anything so we came up to her room and now we are cuddling. 

Her head is laying on my chest with her hands around my torso. One of my hands comb through her hair with my fingers and the other is just laying on my chest. 

With my luck, I hit a a tiny knot in her hair and she winces. "I am so sorry, I didn't mean to" I apologize. 

"It's fine, lovers boy" She smiles. "So tell me about you" I randomly speak up. 

"Are you sure you want to hear" She almost whispers. "Yeah, I want to know everything about you Conner Morris" I nod before kissing the top of her head. 

She snuggles in closer to me and and takes a deep breath. 

"Growing up I wasn't the most popular. Everyone knew my name and what I looked like but they didn't know really anything about me. One day this guy, Liam, asked me out in the hallways. I thought he was joking but he wasn't. I didn't know any better back then" She tells me and catches her breath.

"As you know, our relationship was really good in the start. It was like a dream but then he started having anger bursts and would apologize right afterwards and it would only be a little bit. Soon though he started doing it more often and never saying sorry, I lost sight of who he was. I left him a couple of times during our relationship but each time since I was so young I went back to him every time he said he had changed. He never did though" She finishes and I feel a tear hit my shirt. 

"I'm so sorry you had to go through that. You don't deserve it, your only 18." I kiss the top of her head and tighten my arms around her. 

A brief silence falls over us before I break it "How old were you when you guys started dating" I ask her. 

"We got together when we were 16 and broke up when we were 17, little over being together for a year" She replies. 

I kiss the top of her head and she turns her head up to look at me with those beautiful brown eyes. 

I place my lips softly on hers for a kiss. I pull away after a moment and just look at her. 

"Lovers boy" She giggles. 


Conner's pov

"Go fish" I reply to Dawson and he groans in frustration. 

My brothers, Mateo, and me all sit around the coffee table in the living room playing a friendly game of 'go fish' since Finn didn't know any other card games. 

So far I am winning. 

"Conner's turn" Dawson sighs. "Mateo, do you have a 5" I ask him. 

He hands over a 5 card and I put up my hands in excitement "Oh yeah, still in the lead" I smile. He shakes his head with a smirk. 

Eventually we all end up with one card in our hands, except Dawson. He still has 3 cards. If it wasn't for me taking all his cards he would have a lot more. I think I am doing him a favour.

"Jacob, do you have a queen" I ask him, biting my bottom lip with excitement. 

He sighs and hands me a card face down. 

I flip it over and see a queens. I jump up in excitement and start hopping around yelling. 

"You cheated" Dawson yellows and jumps on me, taking me to the ground laughing. He never has been good at loosing. 

Finn and Jacob pile on top of us. "Mateo, come on. We got to squish her" Finn yells and Mateo stands up from the couch with a sigh. He walks over and flops down on all of us. 

"Get off of me you butt heads" I breath out with my lungs slowly collapsing from all the weight. "Nope, not until you admit you cheated and that I win" Dawson utters. 

"I cheated and Dawson wins. I am so sorry" I did not cheat. I hate cheaters, but if I didn't say it I would have been crushed. They are all over 5'10 and 150 pounds but I am only 5'3 and 115 pounds. 

Dawson flip overs and lays beside me, making Mateo, Finn, and Jacob all tumble over beside him. 

They all groans from falling and I laugh. I high five Dawson who is also laughing. 

I might not have power again this weekend so I posted 3 chapters to last the weekend in case I don't have power. 

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