21. Girl talk

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Conner's pov

Warning- Sexual scenes a head

We smoothed everything over with Hannah and Gabbie after a long talk with lots of explaining and shocked faces. 

Now, Hannah, Gabbie, and I all sit on Gabbie's bed while she prepares for a date with Jackson. 

"I can't believe you and Mateo are dating. I always had a feeling you would but the way you two were just drawn to each other from the very start but I still can't believe it" Gabbie chuckles as she does her make up in the bathroom mirror, door open for we can all still talk. 

"I can't believe it either" I laugh. "And he's hot" Hannah pitches in. I playfully slap her arm and she dramatically 'passes out' from the 'pain'.

"I mean his his hot but still, he's all mine" I smile cheekily. 

Hannah wakes up from her pretend passing out thing and laughs. 

I feel like I need more girl moments like these. I have been spending a lot of time with Mateo lately and I don't want to leave these guys out. 

Gabbie finishes her make up and comes to sit down on the side of the bed. "Are you sure you want to go through with this whole trying to make a marriage work thing" Gabbie questions. 

"I am. Mateo makes me feel so happy, he's what I needed to get out of my head zone that no one will love me again" I reassure her. 

"I just want you to be happy Conner. You have been through a lot in the pass 2 years and I don't want to see you get hurt again" Gabbie hugs me tightly and I hug her back. Hannah sits up from her laying down position and joins in the hug. 

"And if Mateo does hurt you, he won't know what hit him after I give him all my CIA training in one punch" Hannah pulls away from the hug and puts up her fists, ready to punch some one.

All 3 of us break out laughing on the bed. 

Mateo's pov

Jackson fixes his tie in the bathroom down the hall while Noah and I sit on the couch downstairs in the main living room. 

Noah turns to me randomly and I look away from my phone and to him. 

"I am proud of you man" Noah smiles and I give him a confused look "For stepping up to this whole marriage thing. I can tell you really like her" He finishes, solving my confusion. 

"Thanks I guess. And I do really like her, she's an amazing girl" I smile at the thought of her. 

"Look at you all blushing" Noah raises his voice like a teenage girl. I shake my head with a chuckle and look back down at my phone. 

Jackson comes down stairs and into the living room. "How do I look" He asks, fixing his tie. 

"You look like an afternoon snack if you ask me" Noah purrs. I think he took something today. 

Jackson just chuckles to himself and walks into the kitchen. He comes back with a bottle of water in his hands. 

"So, are you nervous" I ask him. I think I am starting to sound like Noah, help me lord. "No and why would I be. She is my girlfriend so I don't have anything to be nervous about" He shrugs. 

"Jackson oz, treat that girl right" Noah turns around and points at him. "Of course I will, I fucking love her" Jackson chuckles. 

"Let's go already, I don't know how much more of this I can take" I stand up from the couch and out the door to my car. 

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