12. Dance moves

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Conner's pov

I change into a pair of pj shorts and a t shirt and throw my hair into a messy bun. I could live off of messy buns. 

After Mateo and I finished our dinner he drove me home than everyone ordered pizza. I walk down stairs and grab a plate and a slice of pizza before heading back up stairs. 

I take a couple bites of my pizza before putting my headphones in. I turn the volume up all the way on my phone and turn on the song 'old time rock and roll'

I honestly prefer the older music than the music now. The new songs just don't tickle my pickle like the old songs do and the song I am listening to now is one of the best songs made in world history. Other than a bunch others. 

I get up from my bed and break out dancing. I pull all sorts of moves. I even do a slide across my floor. Michael Jackson would be proud. I then strum my fake guitar. Elvis Presley would be proud. 

I swear I should have been in dance moms. I would have rocked it. 

I sway side to side and then turn around sharply for my next move only to be hit in the face with a chest. I look up to see Mateo looking down at me. 

I take my headphones out of my ears. "Hey" I try to play it cool. Who knows how long he has been watching. 

"You got some moves" He chuckles. "So you saw that" I fiddle with my hands nervously. "Every move" He smiles like he's achieved something. 

Silence falls upon but not for long. "What song are you listening to" He asks while taking one of my headphones from my hands and putting it in his ear. He listens for a second before taking it back out and giving it back to me. "An old classic. You have good taste" He mutters, maintaining eye contact with me. 

God those brown eyes of his. 

"Well I grew up in the country" I struggle to find the words to say. What is he doing to me. 

He walks past me and flops down on my bed. He takes my pizza from the night stand and takes a bite of it. A big one may I add.

"I was saving that for later" I whine and lay down next to him, not touching. "Well I was hungry" He shrugs with one shoulder. 

I slap his arm playfully then hand him a head phone. Its takes him a second before he takes it but he does. He puts it in his ear and I put the other one in my ear. I turn the music back on and we both just lay there listening to music. 

He lays with one arm behind his head and the other just laying flat on the bed, I do the same. 

I feel his hand slowly cover mine, intertwining our fingers until we are holding hands. His touch sends shivers down up my spine. His touch is like no other. 

None of us say anything and instead just lay there still listening to music. 


Mateo's pov

We spend almost an hour just laying there listening to music while holding hands. I look over to Conner who is sound a sleep. I watch her as she snuggles closer to my arm that's holding her hand. 

I told her that she's growing on me tonight, it was in a different language but I still said it and its true. I have never felt this drawn to somebody before. There's something about her touch that drives me crazy. I don't think she's mad at me anymore but I don't know how she got over it so quickly. If I were her I would be pissed for years. But she isn't. She's holding my hand and sound asleep next to me. 

What is she doing to me. 

I snap myself out of my thoughts as a strand of her light blonde hair falls onto her face. I gently tuck it behind her ear and she snuggles closer to me. I just lay there admiring all her features. She is so naturally beautiful. 

A knock at the door brings my attention away from her, sadly. I hear the door creak open and I turn on the light beside me. 

Hannah walks around the corner and as soon as she sees Conner sleeping she just stands there in awe. 

"You guys are really close, aren't you" She whispers. "Yeah" I nod, looking at Conner. We both remain silent looking at her. 

"I better head to bed" Hannah yawns and walks out of the room. I turn the light beside me off again and look back over to Conner. She starts to stir but still holds my hand. 

"Mateo" She whispers, drawing my attention in even further. "Yeah" I whisper back, letting her know I'm here. 

"Your one of my favourite people" She mumbles and snuggles in closer to my arm that holds her hand. "Your also one of mine" I whisper back and kiss her forehead. I run my thumb gently on her hand and her breathing slows down, signalling she's a sleep. 

I lay awake for a little bit longer before dozing off myself. 

Late chapter tonight, sorry. 

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