Night conversation

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Barry's POV
As I zoom out the door and run to jitters. It is the best feeling in the world that anyone could possibly know. Before I was struck by lightning I hated running, mostly because with me being overly nerdy I always got the worst cramps that could ever be. After I got struck with lightning it feels powerful with the lightning curling around me. Nothing could ever possibly compare. Ever.

"So you finally decided to show up," she joked as I arrived at Jitters. "You are just like my best friend late, and tardy all the time, but you have super speed, which means so you have no excuse."

"Well I do have a life," I joked back.

"And what name do people call you in this life?" She said said while trying to take off my mask.

Just before she did that I super speed right behind so that I could feel the heat she was radiating on this chilly roof. "Nice try West but it will be a while before you can figure out that one," I said trying to be as sexy as possible. Which is not my fault but she is wearing her yellow shorts that are barely long enough and a way to big sweatshirt that said STAR Labs on it... Wait a minute that's mine, I'll have to ask about that.

"Well anyway I thought that you might want to see this, there is one of your meta humans going around town that can control animals and he recently used them to kill this guy," she said while pointing at a picture of him.

"Oh okay thanks I'll go work on this as soon as I can," I said sad that the conversation was over.

"Bye," she yelled with her hair blowing all over her face, because of the horrid winds.

I ran back home to Joe to make sure Iris never thought that I had left.

"So, how wa.." That is all that Joe could muster before my phone rang it was Catlin.

"Barry," she said way too happily. "Are you free tomorrow, because Cisco and I decided that Dr. Wells and us need some fun away from saving people everyday. So, we decided that we should go to the beach even though it is a two hour drive, which means Dr. Wells can be completely separated from work." She said.

"Count me in!" I said so happy that I could barely say it. "Wait, can I bring Joe and Iris."

"Yeah, why not!" She said just as Iris entered the room.

If you guys like anything or dislike anything just comment so that I can make this story better!

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