the zoo

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Barry's POV

It was burning hot today, I don't get it. It has been raining all week and yet the temperature has only seemed to rise. Not that I am complaining. Today Iris is wearing an orange kami and short jean shorts, mainly she said so she could look like Alaska young from "Looking for Alaska" by: John Green.

We went and saw the snakes and reptiles first. I guess that is was cool, but for some reason Dr. Wells had a weird infatuation with them, until Cisco said it was his sprit animal. Then we went to the penguins, and all of us except for Joe and Dr. Wells started to walk like penguins, until Eddie tripped over a kid's stroller and fell face first making everyone including him laugh. I know that whenever I became the Flash I have been a little more alert to see if any meta-humans are nearby, and the whole day this one worker at the zoo kept on staring at us.

"Look Barry, a butterfly garden! We have to go," Iris said pulling my arm and looking at Eddie with his confused face.

Once we finally got in there it became my worst nightmare. I used to not be afraid of butterflies, but then I started to notice how there touch never leaves, and it always has to tickle. As I was thinking this, one of them got on me?

"The flying worm has gotten me!" I yelled screaming and running out the door not caring about all the little kids staring at me.

"You know Barry, that never seems to get old," Iris laughed coming out ther door.

"It is not my fault that the flying worms are evil," I joked back. "One day all of them will rise out of their cocoons and take over the world, and I will be the only one who predicted it."

"And how Mr. Allen, will you stop them from taking over the world."Before I could answer her question when these huge falcons came and swooped in taking Iris.

As she screamed being lifted into the air my face fell, knowing that I couldn't do anything.

Iris POV

"Help," I yelled a million times knowing that no one could hear me at this high as of an apitude. It was about ten minutes later, when I was feeling like my clothes could not bear much more, when I started to descend, and got dropped at a man.

"C'mon missy you're coming with me," he said tying up my arms and legs,since I was so worn out from the fly he easily over power me.


Just after she got swept away, everyone came out laughing, till they saw my face. Once they looked my way their smiles fell faster than ice melts on a summer day.

"Wha-where's Iris," Eddie said knowing that he did not want an answer.

"The meta that can control animals took," I responded looking down so that I did not have to look at their disappointed faces. "I saw someone earlier staring at us, but I thought I was nothing."

"Don't worry Joe, we will find you daughter," Dr. Wells said taking leadership. "Barry you did the right thing, you can't even fly. You and Cisco should go and track herdown at the Lab."

Cisco and I ran at normal speed till we got out of the zoo, and then I picked him up and super speeded to the lab. It was hard to keep calm and have all of my emotions in check. Just too even think about something happening like this could only show up in my nightmares, with those I could wake up. Here I feel like I am drowning and all I want to do is give up and breath in the water, but I can't cause I am the Flash. The savior of Central City. Even if I mostly fail, I have to keep on the mask.

A/N: I know that this was shorter, but I wanted to know if after this you all would like me to finish the book and maybe make a prequel, or if you like it then just go on to another villian... Please comment!

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