Rats gone wild!

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Barry's POV

"How are little furry friends doing?" I asked Cisco bounding through the door. Lately Wells has been locked up somewhere doing who knows what since Catlin left, leaving Cisco and I to do the most stupid things we ever imagined.

"Look at this little guy," Cisco said holding up one of the rats. "He has mussels." Then he flexed the little guy's arm.

"I still think that I have more." I responded back.

"I don't know this guy might be beating you soon at the rate he is growing."

I looked down at the caged and noticed that It was about to break, it was not big enough to fit all the rats that perfectly fit fine in it yesterday. "Cisco did you move them to a smaller cage?"

"Nope, why?" he asked putting a grape sucker in his mouth.

"I think that we messed up with the chemicals and now they seem to be on steroids!" I stated watching the little rodents going faster by the minute.

"Maybe one of them was pregnant." Cisco said looking at the computer seeming nonchaltent.

"What!" I started pacing back and forth.

"What's the problem, man," Cisco said looking up starting to look kind of worried.

"I think that we need to get Dr. Wells." I said knowing that we made a terrible mistake.


"Who thought this would be a good idea?" Wells said going through all our notes on the computers.

Cisco raised his hand. "I thought that it would be a good idea for studying Barry's powers, without using him, so he can save the world. I didn't think through it that much, my fault.'

"Everything will be okay just as long as we make them not reproduce and get the growth under control, right?" I asked looking at doctor Wells.

"Well, stop staring at me and get working. 'Time waits for no man -(Benjamin Franklin)."

"Aye captain," Cisco said saluting him not knowing what else to do and running out the door to the rats.

"So Barry," Cisco said looking at me with his puppy dog eyes as I jogged and he ran huffing and puffing. "Since you have super speed I was think that it would be best for you to sort them, you know to get it done in a timely manner."

"Like that is the only reason," I answered sarcastically as we walked into the room as the cage exploded.

"It's raining giant rats!" Cisco yelled running in circles. Instead of there being the ten rats that we started out with, when the cage exploded there was about 50 all flying from the ceiling. I quickly ran and closed the door and collected at the rats and put them in one of the cages that we store the rouges in.

"At least it isn't bees," Cisco said trying to lighten the mood as he was going to help me put the different genders in different boxes.


We must have fell asleep while sorting the rats because next thing that I knew is I waking up with a cramp in my neck, and crazy bed hair. "Cisco!" I yell jostling him awake. "Did you finish sorting them?"

"What, sure whatever you say," he said batting his eyes open. One of the great things about being super-fast is that thanks the physics if I hit him in the face fast enough it will feel like superman punched him. "Ouch! Why did you hit me, I was already up."

"But not moving," I answered pulling him up and walking to the cages. "The rats are depending on us."

"Then where are they?" Cisco said as we walked up to two cages with no rats.

"I think the sorting might not have mattered as much as we thought." I muttered stunned and then I jolted up to the main room, with Cisco trailing behind.

The T.V.s were already on with Wells sitting there looking back at us.

"Top story," the news lady yelled named Linda Parks yelled over all the screaming people. "Giant rats with supersonic speed are terrorizing Central City."

"How did they get out of their cages?" Wells asked as if he already placed the blame on us.

"He did it!" Cisco and I yelled pointing or fingers at each of at the same time.

Then for some reason the TV became louder making us look up at it. "More news, the Villain named," she paused for a second and seemed to be considering if she was reading the words correctly, and then with a look of digest she said the name as if it was a rotten banana. "Zookeeper."

Then suddenly Cisco yelled at the TV, "That is the best supervillain name you will ever hear!" then he looked down and headed to his seat muttering to himself. "It is really hard coming up with a name for a guy that works at a zoo."

I looked back at the TV not being able to see Cisco so said over the name. "He has currently used the rats to take over Central City News, has taken hostages." Then it showed a profile picture of all the hostages, with Iris right smack dab in the middle.

"I have a feeling that you should suit up Mr. Allen." Well said looking from the tv to me.

I loved running, it was the time when I felt like I was floating and the world was flying by so slow that nothing could catch me and hold me down, but now knowing that someone I loved so deeply could be in danger it hurts like a knife cut, putting every nerve on and, and the longer it took for me to run the deeper the blade went holding me down to the ground and dripping out blood.


As I got there,I slowed down and slammed open the door making everyone look at me.

"Nice to see you again... Flash," Zookeeper said in a villain voice that you would here in a cheesy movie.

"You are such a cliché," I said leaning on one of the desk coming up with a plan so that none of the hostages would get hurt. "You stalk the girl, and the first time when you get here the hero defeats, and then you escape and he gets you again and you say you are doing everything for the girl."

"Well you got close," he said focusing all his efforts on me, when something caught my eye, Iris was using the trick that I taught her when we were young and was running away to see my father, she wasn't handcuffed anymore. Then so he didn't notice her I listened to what he was saying. "I am not the one pining for the girl. You see flash I have been stalking you, and I figured out the weak spot in your armor... her."

Just as he turned around Iris jumped up and grabbed one of the computers and hit him straight in the head knocking him out. "That was awesome!" Iris looked at me. "Why did you not capture him when you first came in?

"A girl has to be her own hero." I said smoothly quoting her and just as I was about run away a boy tugged on my costume.

"Can I have an autograph?" he was a little boy with bowl cut blond hair and large green eyes that you could never say no too.

"Sure," I smiled bending down. "Who do I make the out to?

Then he took a notebook and said and his barely audible voice. "Ralph, your biggest fan."

Ralph (my biggest fan)-
Never stop being amazing
-The Flash

Then I gave the notebook back and stood up and just as I was about to run I reached over to Iris and smiled. "Hope to see you soon," I ran off to Stars Labs wondering about the rat problem, but glad to see the girl I loved happy.

A/N: hope you all like the chapter and if so please comment or like😉

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