Being clueless

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Barry POV

It's a slow day. I mean it is not like I want people to be bad, but come on it is the weekend and I am bored for the first time since being the Scarlet Speedster. Joe is in the other room with Iris talking about her and Eddie, I think.

Ring! Ring! I jump up and run up stairs (normal speed) to grab my phone hoping that it is Cisco about to tell me a terrible villain is up to something and I have to go save the day. Instead to my surprise when looking at caller ID it is Felicity face timing me.

"Hey, my favorite scientist," she says very happily for this time in the morning.

"So do you need some help in Starling City, because I would love to help? Let me just tell Joe and I will be there in a jiff."

"Acutely no, it has been pretty handable lately. I just wanted to make sure you were okay, and" she help it out too long that was never good. "I was wondering, there are these two guys."

"Oliver and Ray," I interrupted.

"Yeah, well since you know both of them. Which should I choose!" she shouted out the last bit like if she didn't say it now she never would.

"First off I guess that kiss meant nothing," I joked sitting on the couch in the living room.

"Be serious Barry, I am in a definite pickle."

"That sounds really good," I said before running to the nearest grocery store and getting some (I left the change on the counter). It is not like I could deal with her problems on an empty stomach, and forget about my own. When I got back I could swear that I was only gone a few seconds, but Iris was sitting down on the couch talking with Felicity, I mean how did I not think of getting her help before.

Iris POV

There was a huge gust of wind, and knowing Barry he probably left the door open again. Instead to much of my surprise I find the door closed and his phone on the table, in the middle of a call with Felicity.

"Hey, what were you both talking about?" I asked her.

"You love him!" Felicity shouts and starts jumping around on the other end.

"Wait, is it that obvious," I stuttered not even trying to lie.

"Maybe not to him but to everyone else," Joe yells from the kitchen.

"What gave me away?" I ask.

"It's the little things, the way that you linger on him when he isn't looking, the smile that you fake to play the part, the quiet dreams that you keep to yourself." She got ver y quiet and the end and started to look down.

"Like you and Oliver." I pause when she looks up shocked. "It takes one to know one."

"But you haven't seen me near him for a couple of months. How did you know I still love him?"

"When you came here with Ray at the dinner I saw it in your eyes. You cannot love another man when your heart is already with one."

"I suggest that you take the same advice that I gave Bar-."

"When you kissed."

"How did you know about that?"

"He told me."

"Was that all he told you about?"

"Yeah, he said that you had to go after someone that you truly loved, anyway what you were going to say."

"He was worried that everything would change." She said. "C'mon you guys are perfectly perfect for each other; if anything were to change it would be for the better.

Just then Barry came through the door tripping over his own feet "I bought pickles," He heroically held up the jar after he fell over his own feet, making me and Felicity laugh.

"Well I have gone to work," I said pretending to be looking down and my watch.

"Mazel tov," she yelled back, a Jewish phrase meaning good luck.

Barry's POV

"So what were you guys talking about," I smoothly ask stuffing pickles and to my mouth.

"You know... okay that is so disgusting no wonder Catlin always says she can never watch you eat."

"Talking about Catlin, I just got a text from her," I said reading the text out loud.

It is amazing how close you guys were to finding true love too bad it can never happen. Hope you can find her before it is too late. Or I guess that I won't be the only one to have the heart ripped out because of you Barry Allen. - Killer Frost (aka Catlin)

"That doesn't sound good. You have to go over to STAR Labs and have Cisco and Dr. Wells help." With that I ran to STAR Labs hoping that it was a dream, and that I would see Catlin's strict but happy face greeting me as I enter. I mean how I could not know that she liked me, am I also oblivious to something else.


"You know we should all make a pact to never do something like this to each other." Cisco explained.

"Let's just focus on that task at hand and worry about the whom later, Mr. Ramon." Dr. Wells responded.

"Everything that is happening is because of me," I shouted mainly to myself. "Oliver told me that heroes like me could not have the girls they loved."

"No, I will not accept this from you right now. You are the Flash, for goodness sakes that guy in the Marvel comics Quicksilver can only run 200 mph, while you can run a freaking 700 miles an hour," Cisco said with a lot of hand movements.

"Remind me later, the you need a girlfriend," I said almost happy but still far from it. Iris is my happiness, and nothing will take her away.

"Well hello," Catlin walked in wearing a costume that was black leather mashed with Elsa's from frozen outfit. "Don't look so shocked, after all I still work here."

"No!" Cisco yelled. "You are a villain!"

"Catlin," I said inching towards her. "Just tell us where Iris is and we can help you."

"Barry Allen, you are a killer. Only the most naïve people on this earth could probably think that you are a hero!"

"You're right, but I am trying. Maybe if you help us find Iris then you can show me how to be a hero."

"You can never be a hero. Hero's job is protecting the one they love" she walked up so there was barely an inch between us and looked me straight into the eyes. "You were born a villain, and you will never change.

With that she shot ice at me and Dr. Wells. "Now I guess now you can know what it is like to be the victim for once." Then she took Cisco and filled to whole room with a trip of fog so we couldn't see.

As the fog cleared up I couldn't get what she said out of my head. Was I really born a villain?

A/N: Just wanted to say keep liking and commenting, I love to hear from you guys.

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