Saved by the scarlet speedster

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Barry's POV

My head is literally beating, I feel like if someone saw me right now they would probably see my head shrinking and expanding. I flutter my eyes open and notice that I am in a different place, instead of an moldy and musty warehouse, I am now in the zoo again, but this time two other people are here.

"Finally you knight and shining armor has woken up missy," the man said looking at me, while I knew he was talking to Iris sitting next to me. As I saw her sit there I admentaly tried to get out of the things he tied me up with, but it was impossible.

"Combination of animal skins," he said noticing me struggle. "The more you move and the faster, the tighter and stronger it gets."

"Just let her go and I will do whatever you want," I shouted.

"How about you take off your mask, and let your little fangirl see who you really are. Maybe then you will know what it feels to be looked at like your are the worst thing there ever was," he said moving so close that I could see all the details in in eyes.

"I already know who he is!" Iris yelled surprising us both. "I went into STAR Labs a couple days ago. Cisco, tell Barry that..I love him."

What how can this be! She thought that I was Cisco, of all people and more importantly she said those three words that I couldn't help from smiling. I couldn't take it anymore, with all of the sudden I got new strength and vibrated the fastest I ever done before and phased through the ties.

"I believe you will be able to tell him yourself, miss," I said untying her and knocking the Zookeeper out.

Iris POV

He ran as fast as lightning could strike the ground. I wonder what made Cisco become the Flash? I couldn't concentrate on any of it right now, I said that I loved Barry. I meant to say Eddie, but then with everything that was happening, I knew that it was really Barry who I loved. I always loved him, even before I knew what love was. I just hope that I didn't notice it too late.


"She's awake," I heard Eddie yelled as I opened my eyes.

"You know you really scared us there honey," my dad said stroking the hair out of my eyes.

"I know daddy," I answered laughing, just as Barry came in with his coffee cup.

"Iris," he said running over with his nerdy run, spilling half the cup on his way. "How are you feeling. Do you want the coffee? I originally got it for Joe, but we all really know he just wanted me to leave the room, so I'd stop pacing."

"You'd win the Olympics for pacing," I laughed, somehow his little nerdy rambling made me always laugh, even though I feel as if I just ran a marathon "Um, Barry I need to tell you something about Cisco."

"Wha-yeah," he said getting the biggest grin I have ever seen. "Once you get home, we will talk." Then his phone wrang. "This is STAR Labs, I have to go, be home later for movie night/ get well night!"

Barry's POV

I ran over to STAR Labs excited about saving Iris, and what she said, but I could not get out of my mind that Catlin didn't tell me everything about where I was running. I mean could she be keeping other things from me?"

"I have to get more paper weights in here," Catlin said picking up all the papers on the floor, as I ran in.

"So why'd you call me down here," I asked everyone.

"Well, Mr. Allen Cisco over heard on your mic about Iris," Dr. Wells explained, but before he could finish Cisco piped in.

"Congrats man, so are you guys like a thing yet?"

"Congrats, but I was not talking about that, I was talking about her thinking that Cisco is the Flash," Wells finished.

I heard Cisco talking in the background "C'mon Cat, you got to ship them together."

"You are such a fanboy Cisco," she said trying to be lighthearted, but ending up just sounding mad.

"I am going home, to figure out about Iris. We are having another movie night, and this time with chocolate popcorn, if you want to come." I said coaxing, hoping they could help me explain.

As I was running home, I started to wonder about Catlin, and how she seemed to of changed so much, and not in a good way.

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