Stars and rats

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Iris POV

We looked up at the star as the glittered against the dark background of the clear sky. Everything was beautiful in the dark because you couldn't see the details that made the imperfections.

"Everything is prettier in the dark," I whispered into his ears pulling him closer to get under the blanket (even though it was in the 70ties).

"Not you." He said turning over making our face to be almost touching as we lay on the grass. His eyes sparkled more than the stars, and I could stare at them all day.

"Are you blushing," he brought me out of the Trans.

"Well of course, we almost quoted Paper Towns," I laughed and then playfully punched him in the arm.

"Man, and here I thought that I was being original," he joked before looking at my face and becoming serious. "What's wrong?"

"Why didn't you tell me earlier, that you knew about meta-humans this whole time? The moment when I made the blog why didn't you tell me that you were just protecting Cisco." I stammered.

"Wait, do you still think that he is the Flash," he said sitting up.

"No, but he did vibrate the whole place when Catlin kidnapped me," I said and he believed me.

"Yes, I did it all the protect Cisco," I could tell he was not telling me the whole truth, there was something that he was keeping from me, and I would figure it out. "You cannot tell anyone about Cisco, his life and yours could be in danger if you tell."

"Fine Mr. Serious," I joked before we both laid down and watched the stars.

"What did the grass say while being cut," he said barely holding back his laughter so that you knew he just said a joke. "Mow!"

"What, no that is horrible," I said also. barely holding back my laughter. "I am glad you aren't a comedian."

"C'mon, you know that you loved it," he said before pouncing on me and tickling me till my lungs felt like they were about to burst.


Barry's POV

I woke up on Iris's couch. Last night we talked till the light was about to start shinning in the sky, so she let me sleep on her couch for a couple of hours before I had to go to work.

"Are you going to wake him or do I have to?" Eddie said jokingly to iris and then picking her up with and putting her on the counter, just as I walked in.

"Barry!" Iris screamed jumping off the counter. "I made pancakes, just the way you like them with the chocolate chips."

"Thanks, I better go," I said leaving with the pancakes, there was no way the I was going to skip out on perfectly fine pancakes. Right before I left I whispered into Eddie's ear, "Use protection."


"Hello anyone here?" I said coming into the main room to find no one as my feet were the only sound I heard.

"Barry," I looked into one of the side rooms to find Cisco playing with ten different rats. "Meet the newest recruits!"

"There rats," I answered with a dumfounded face. "Why are they here?"

"We found the perfect way to learn about your powers! We'll put them in the same scenario as you, and they will be like little Barry Allens." Cisco said barely able to hold in his joy.

"Okay, but how will we not affect people like the particle accelerator did?"

"Easy," then he shoved me over to a huge box with a mini particle accelerator in it. "We specially designed the glass case to stop the dark matter from escaping and going everywhere, and it also concentrates it so all the rats when we strike them with lightning will become super-fast."

"Okay, let's do it!" I said excited to see if it worked.

"No, not here we got to do it somewhere safe," he whispered like he thought someone could hear us.

"You have to take the rats though," I said before picking up the mini particle accelerator and using my super speed to race down.
The actual partial accelerator was exactly as I remembered a huge expanse that seemed to swallow you and make you nothing. Cisco was wearing a bright red that made him easy to notice against they gray dark walls, and seemed accent his enthusiasm.

"C'mon let's do this!" He said running back as far as could while still see the experiment. "I suggest you wear these glasses if you don't want to turn blind."

"Sure," I answered putting on the glasses, but I kept on getting a bed feeling about the experiment. "I feel like everything bad happens in here."

Then Cisco looked up at me with his brown doe eyes that portrayed way too much excitement. "Then let's make something good happen!"

With that he jammed his finger on the remote and the fireworks began. First there was a large vibration followed by all the rats running to the edge of the glass cage screaming for life. Just as I watched from my window that night a huge beam of light shot up, but then instead of the miniature city blacking out, and the mini me (Cisco even had me closing the window) being struck by lightning, there was ten lightning strikes hitting all the rats and putting them into a slumber for a couple of hours.

Cisco and I ran over to cage and while I checked to see if all of them were still alive (they were) Cisco went and picked up the mini me that was completely brown and smoking.

"I think that mini Allen wishes to be trading places," Cisco joked.

A/N: I hope that you guys like the chapter and the photo editing I did at the top. I know that there hasn't been a lot an action in the recent chapters,but I am building up for this awesome Idea that I have. Also I wanted to ask you all if I should do smut or not?

Please comment and like, it means the world to me and always lifts my spirit!!

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