A chilly afternoon

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I looked down at the table she had left a note.

All heroes have a beginning and villains do too.

"Wha- what this makes no since how am I supposed to get anything from this, it makes no sense." I ask in anguish and started to pace.

"I think she means where everything started, or to better phrase it how you got your powers." Wells responded.

"Why would she go to my lab everyone would see us, and I was just there and didn't see any hostages."

"You know sometimes it amazes me in how many aspects you are oblivious to, even being a detective."

"Wait, you mean they are here, in this building."

"No technically not, that part isn't connected to this build, for safety reasons."

"Well I better downstairs," I said changing into my suit.

"Just remember Barry, the only way to be a true hero is to stand for what you believe is right, for no one person can decide on what is right."


"I have a feeling you will be a hero for centuries to come, Mr. Allen."


He words kept echoing in my heading and boosting my spirited as I searched through the huge expanse that never seemed to end no matter how far you look.


My head was simply on fire there was no way else to explain it, if I would not of saw a silhouette Catlin there my head would of exploded into a million pieces. "Catlin, do you have any ibuprofen my head I on fire?"

She cackled "I would understand why, I mean you did fall pretty hard on the ice."

Then it came back to me, all the things she did, only one thing was different there was a person beside me.

He jolted awake and to my astonishment it was Cisco. "Catlin, this isn't you, just let Iris go and everything will be fine, I even bet," he paused thinking through on what to say. "The Flash won't make you known as a villain."

"I am not the villain he is!" She yelled slightly throwing spit in my face.

"Wait, the Flash isn't a villain he is a hero!" I yelled not so loud, but still surprise at how defensive I got.

"Easy for you, you have the man; meanwhile I have nothing, all because of you."

"Okay let's just step back," Cisco interrupted knowing that at any moment Catlin might throw some ice at me.

"They all laughed at the idea Well, Ronnie, they all thought that I was crazy for wanting to go after Barry."

"Ronnie would NEVER laugh at you," Cisco said standing up half way before the chains yanked him back down.

"No Cisco he wouldn't, he just said that I was going after someone who would never love me back, and can I blames him, for after all I did the same thing to him. I played him like a pawn."

The earth started to rattle. "RONNIE WAS NO PAWN IN YOUR GAME," as Cisco voice raised so did the vibrations in the floor till our Jains broke off the wall and Catlin fell off the ledge into the obese.

"How did that just happen," I stared at Cisco already knowing the answer. "Is this part of your powers being the Flash?

"Iris, I am not the Flash. I am just a normal person, I could never be a hero, for goodness sakes I didn't even know that I could do this till... right now."

"Well you did just save my life so that makes you just as much of a hero as the Flash. I just don't think that I will ever look at anything the same." Then I just couldn't hold it in and just started to cry.

He stared me straight in the eye."They are hunters, they do it for the game, their game isn't animals it's with humans, and she is excellent at the game." He embraced me in a tight hug, and my tears fell down his shirt I could not help but to think about how her eyes looked straight at me, the eyes that helped me when Barry was in a coma, or when no one else would believe me that the Flash was real. How could she change into a killer?

"Killer Frost."

"What," Cisco said pushing back and looking into my face.

"That should be her villain name."

"I think that you are the only person who can come up with decent nicknames," He laughed making me smile. "You know one time we were dealing with a guy that could control people's emotions with color, and she called him Rainbow Radar." After talking for a little bit he went back into I guess what you would call a cell while I sat with my feet over the edge.


She sat eyes glistening from the tears; she sat alone on the edge waiting for someone to save her.

"Does someone want a ride?" I asked running into the cell.

"Where were you, we needed saving and you were nowhere to be found, and worst of all the lunatic that kidnapped us did it because she thought you liked me!" she started right into my eyes as if the was a real chance that she might shove me off the cliff.

"How did you guys even defeat her?" I questioned knowing that there was 99.9% that they didn't have powers.

"He has powers."

"I guess the .1% thing should have been taken into consideration." I said smiling at Cisco.

"Yeah, can you just run us back to humanity where there are warm blankets?"

"Yeah hop on," I smiled as I whisked them away.


I walked into the Iron Heights to where I and my Dad talk every week.

"So how is the scarlet speedster doing?" he asked, knowing that I would tell him everything down to the three pizzas I ate before coming here.

"Listen to me Barry," he starred right into my eyes. "You are not a villain based on the number of people that save, or the villains you put away, but by just helping people and not wanting anything in return. A hero can be a person that helps a few people on their way to work; no one can measure the importance of a single life. What makes you a hero Barry is you heart, and I hope that you never lose that?"

A/n I know that this was a horrible writing on my part and I am sorry so let's just hope and pray the next one is better, and sorry for taking a while school is almost over. Also just wanted to say love you all and hope the summer (or winter for Australia) brings all happiness⚡️

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