Feet on the table

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Iris's POV

I was laying on the couch with my feet up on the coffee table watching the local news, while being a little frustrated because Joe wouldn't let me make dinner. Creak, Barry came shuffling in.

"Iris," he gasped. "How are you not freezing, it is like the artic circle in here. You must secretly be a peguin!" rushed over and wrapped the blanket over me and propped his feet up on the table with me.

"I am not the one that is cold you know," I exclaimed while watching him shiver and putting half of the blanket on him.

"So, what movie did you choose," he asked as I shuffled in closer so that we could both have more blanket.

"Well," I said slyly "I remember Cisco saying that Dr. Wells loved Back to the Future, so you can probably guess what the movie is.

"Star Wars?" he joked.

"No silly willy," I uttered before he all of started to suddenly tickle me like old times. Just as I felt like my lungs were about to burst wide open, and no more air could enter them, my dad came in with everyone from STAR Labs, since Eddie couldn't come.

"It looks like there is a married couple on my couch," Joe joked, and we both blushed. I know why I was blushing, but why was Barry. I mean there was no possible way that someone as amazing as him could ever possibly love me. Then Cisco came in, and I had to put such nonsense away and focuse on what was happening right now which was that the Flash was in my livingroom!


Iris's face lit up when Cisco walked in, and I knew that I was doomed. I forgot to try to explain that Cisco was not the Flash to Iris. She just look so perfect sitting there that I forgot everything that I was suppose to do. How am I ever going to live the rest of my life knowing that at one point She loved me, but I could never say it back without ruining everything.
"So, what's the movie that we're going to watch tonight?" Dr. Wells said in his usual monotone voice.

"Back to the Fu-"I stop mid- sentence when I saw Catlin walk through the door. It was not because she looked pretty, but scary.

"Catlin!" Iris yelled, being able to do far more than the shell shocked rest of us who seem to be frozen in mid time.

"You hair was so beautiful, why did you die it white," Iris finished knowing that the rest of us would take a year to make more than a grunt. Catlin had died her hair as white as ice, and straightens it so it looked like icicles were falling from her face.

"I just felt like I needed a change. I just feel like a different person than I was before with Ronnie and all, and I just needed a change to know that it was all not for nothing," she said cold but proud. "Feel like I am finally finding myself."

Most of us were still too shocked to say much so I put in the movie, and snuggled back under the blanket. The whole night only Wells and Joe were watching the movie with intention, which was sad because even though it was old it was acutely still really good. During the movie Iris stared a Cisco with amazement, and I stared at Catlin with fear.

I nudged Iris and tilted my head towards the kitchen to signal to her that I wanted to talk, and thankfully after living most of our life together we formed a way of talking without talking, so that even Joe got confused sometimes.

"Wait, Iris if you need anything from the kitchen, we can just go get you know," Joe said concerned, giving me the face as if to say that nothing should ever get close to hurting his baby daughter.

"I know daddy, that is why Barry is coming with me," she answered cutely, as I helped her walk to the kitchen even though she seemed to be doing most of it on her own, but pretending to need help to please Joe. "So, why did you want me to miss part of that movie?" she asked as if she could be mad, while I knew that she was really joking.

"Well," I muttered trying to spit out the words. "I saw you staring at Cisco and thought that it was weird since you have a boyfriend."

At first she laughed and then became serious. "Oh you're serious, well I mean Cisco is a great guy, but he is one of those people that being a friend is all that it will amount to. "

"You didn't answered the part about Eddie."

"Well, I think my heart is somewhere else," she blushed.

"It takes time to find the perfect soulmate, but once you do I bet it will be everything thing that you used to make me act out when we were little," I said trying to make her laugh.

"My little prince how can I ever forget that, I still have my little white dress."

"C'mon little princess," I said hooking our arms "Let's go see him fix the past."


It was the morning and I found myself on the couch with Iris sleeping on my shoulder.

"Nice to see that one of the two people are awake," Joe whispered as he came in holding two coffee cups.

"Good morning," Iris said so sleepily that it was barely hearable. "What happened?"

"Well after we all finished the first movie we decided that it would be fun to go on and watch the second, mainly because Wells seemed to interested in it, but while we were watching the second movie too people fell asleep, and we all decided that after the movie was over it was enough." Joe answered.

"Do you have food?" I asked, or I guess my stomach asked.

"How are you not fat, again," Iris questioned.

"You could say that I jog a little," I smirked partly looking up at Joe to make sure that he was okay with my answer to the question.

"So do you guys want the pancakes while there're hot, or am I just weird like that," Joe said.

"I am your daughter," Iris said getting up and then like a runner after a marathon seemed to hobble over to the kitchen. Even with the morning hair she looked more radiant than the sun.

A/N: just wanted to say thank you all for 1k and for all of the nice comments sorry about this being so fluffy of a chapter

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