
2.6K 51 14

(3rd POV)

Location : Area 51

We find ourselves in the very depths of the military facility known as area 51, one of the most important places in the Eagle Union, after all it is where all their KAN-SEN come from.

It is Here we find the fleet Admiral and the head scientist walking down a corridor.

The Admiral was a tall man with jet black hair average in length, brown eyes and a scar on his left cheek.

Meanwhile, his long time friend and associate dr. Smitty, was a shorter man with long blond hair blue eyes and glasses that looked a little to large for his face but some how fit.

Admiral spears: Smitty are you sure this is going to work?

dr. Smitty: well... Yes and no...

Admiral spears: what do you mean no?

Dr. Smitty: w-well, you see. The new cube's are quite volatile... The slightest mistake could blow it to smithereens!

Admiral spears: the newest version of the cube's. For some reason Washington doesn't know where they came from, and yet here we are attempting to use them when we don't even know what the consequences could be!

Admiral spears: I hope Washington knows what they're asking us to do.

Dr. Smitty: don't worry my friend. I'm sure they know. Besides, even if they are just going off on a whim, I the great scientist Smitty and his team are going to make sure this goes smoothly!

Admiral spears: let's hope so, we don't need the Crimson axis catching wind of this... experiment.

The scientist nods in agreement as the two walk down the corridor.


A short time later the two enter a "white room" with an assortment of technicians and engineers working away on a price of equipment that looks almost other worldly.

Dr. Smitty: is it ready?

Head engineer: yes sir, just doing the final calibrations, other than that, the new assimilator is ready to go.

Admiral spears: and what of the cube's?

Head engineer: they're in that container ready to use.

The Admiral and scientist walked over to a control room on the other side, once Evry one was in they started the reawakening process.

In the "white room" to technicians with hazmat suit's entered and made a beeline towards the creat that held the wisdom cube's, once they opened the crate there was a purple glow, instead of the standard blue, only adding to the mystery of these new wisdom cube's .

One of the two technicians picked up a cube next to a metal name plate that read Johnston on it while the other won't to a panel at the side of the assimilator. After giving the signal the technician with the cube  placed the cube in the assimilator then the technician at the panel started the process of reawakening the ship inside.

Admiral spears: this looks to be running smoothly.

Dr. Smitty: don't count your eggs before they've hatched my friend.

Admiral spears: right, something all ways goes wrong.

Although the Admiral wasn't wrong, things were going quite smoothly. But then the assimilator started shaking. First a little, then a lot, moments later purple lighting started sparking out of it.

Admiral spears: damn, you weren't kidding when you said these things were volatile!

Dr. Smitty: w-while that is true, this type of reaction was not something we had predicted.

Admiral spears: wait, so this is-

Dr. Smitty: an unforeseen event? Yes.

Just then, the assimilator started to glow, brightly to the point where it started to blinde the occupants of the control center. Speaking of which, it was filled with alarm bells and the murmurs of the panicked personal.

Admiral spears: SMITTY! What is going on!?

Dr. Smitty: I- Lazara! What's happening?

Lazara: We don't know! What we do know is that it's super charging the assimilator!

Dr. Smitty: meaning that it would cause it to go off.

Admiral spears: English?


But instead of doing that... Covered the area in a white light while emitting a hight pitch noise, much like what one would hear after a concussion, chasing everyone to both loose sight of what is happening and making it impossible to hear anything.

Admiral spears: my god, what have we done...

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