Good moooooorning Azur lane

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(3rd POV)

It's been a few days since the end of the battle, since then Johnston had recovered from her injuries, but further repairs would be required for her to be back to 100%.

As of right now. The three were enjoying the stars from Gambier Bay's flight deck.

Samuel: Hey Bay, what time is it?

Gambier Bay: Huh good question. *Looks at watch* wow it's after 00:00 hours.

Samuel: I know that pearl is far from the mainland but holy!

Johnston: Yah, almost a whole week to get here!

Gambier Bay: Well at least we can see the Port from here. Speaking of which I wonder how they're doing.

Johnston: Could all ways call.

Samuel: At this hour?

Gambier Bay: Well Azur lane is technically a military orginisation. And they are at war, so there's probaly some people up.

Samuel:... Fine... dont get mad at me if this back fires though.

Gambier Bay: Alright lets do it.

She grabbed her phone and dialled the number for Azur lane.


(Wales' POV)

It was quite dark outside yet that didn't stop me from trying to get some of the paperwork done before I went to bed, but just then out of nowhere the telephone began to ring.

Wales: Weird, who would be calling at this hour?

Picking up the phone I answered the call.

Wales: Azur lane headquarters, Prince of Wales speaking.

???2: That name feels way to long!

???3: Don't say that, she might hear you!

???1: Quiet both of you!

Wales: Is every thing alright?

???1: Y-yes mam, just that these two Idiots won't shut up

???2: Hey! I am not an-


???3: Hush, she's speaking!

???1: As I was saying, every thing is alright.

Wales: Then why bother calling? More importantly, how did you get this number? Last I checked only Azur lane personel were able to have it.

???1: Well, we are azur lane personel. Did the admiralty tell you about three new ships that were supposed to be in port at around 12:00 hundred?

Wales: Y-yes, what do the-, you're not saying...

???2: YEP YEP YEP!!! We'er your missing ships! sorry for arriving so late.

Wales: Oh gosh, uhh when will you be docking?

???1: When we are given clearence of course, but in terms of time till we are near the port, I'd say an hour and a half.

Wales: Alright, I shall notify the base of your arival.

???2: BYE-Z-B-!


And with that, the call ended. Wales headed off to tell the base of the new arrivals but not before reaching for a file in the cabinate. pulling it down she poened it up and looked over a couple of photos.

Wales: A purple light folowed by a set of glowing red and gold eyes. This could be somthing... What it is, I do not know, perhaps I shoud speak with her majesty about this.

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