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It has been a few weeks since The battle that has now been dubbed, "The Second Battle of The Coral Sea." Currently a lot of the ships had decided to take a day off and were having fun on the beach, this included our two friends Gambier Bay and Samuel B Roberts, who had decided to stay under a palm tree.

Gambier Bay: Ahhhhh. Now this is more like it!

She was reclining in a beach chair, letting the sun's rays warm her body up.

Samuel: Some R and R after a hard fought battle is the best feeling!

Gambler Bay: You said it!

She said as she sipped on a glass of lemonade. Samuel, who had been building a sand castle, stopped briefly and sat next to Gambier Bay.

Samuel: You know... Johnston would have loved this.

She looked at the waves that calmly washed the shore as she said this.

Gambler Bay: Hm? Yeah I guess she would have enjoyed this.

The two were silent for a while, merely feeling the breeze blow across their faces as the sun kept them warm. Gambier Bay was the one to break this silence.

Gambier Bay: You miss her don't you?

Samuel: Why wouldn't I? She was like a sister.

A melancholic smile appeared on her face as she said those words.

Samuel: What? You don't miss her?

Gambier Bay: Never said I didn't...

Samuel: You know... I still feel like it's my fault somehow...

Gambier Bay: It wasn't. She wanted to save her friend and that's what she did. Dying was always a risk, she just got unlucky that time.

Samuel: But-

Gambier Bay laid her hand on Samuel's head and caressed it. This action caused Samuel to stop talking and merely look down.

Gambier Bay: No but's! She knew the risks. Yet it was a simple choice for her.

Some time passed as the two sat there. Samuel looked around the beach and noticed something.

Samuel: Hey Bay?

Gambier: Yes Sammy?

She turned to look at samuel.

Samuel: Have you seen Enterprise or Ms. Wales anywhere?

Gambier Bay: Well no.. Why is this a concern though?

Samuel: We just came back from a large-scale battle, everyone was under stress at the time. Those two more than anybody on this base. So why aren't they taking the day off?

Gambier Bay: It's as you said, we just came back from a major battle there are things that they will need to do because of it.

Samuel: Hmmm. I guess you're right.

Gambier Bay. Speaking of those two, what are they doing?



Wales plopped her head on her desk, feeling exhausted due to the events of recent days and...

Wales: So... much... paperwork.

The enemy of man, paperwork.

Enterprise: Logistics... Battlefield reports... What Gambier Bay did takes up half the whole thing by itself!

Wales: And I thought I was going to be able to have a day at the beach...

Enterprise: Such is life at the top...

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