Fire and Lightning (Finale)

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Three days after the departure of the Axur lane fleet. Somewhere in the coral sea.

Samuel: Do you see anything on that locator?

Gambier: No, nothing yet!

Currently, the two were sailing side by side while looking for the asteroid that had supposedly crashed here not long ago.

Samuel: We've been searching for so long I think I might pass out!

Gambier Bay Yah I know I'm tired too. But we still need to push through.

Samuel: Right!

They continued their search, unaware of what was to come.

Enterprise *Radio*: This is Enterprise, have any of you found our prize yet?

She received a wave of responses, all pointing to no.

Hamman *Radio*: Can we go now?


Hamman: These Humans are weird. I think they're perverts.

Right now Hamman along with some of the other ships in the fleet were tasked with protecting the humans who had accompanied the ship girls on this mission.

Enterprise *Radio*: Hamman, You know why we have them here...

You see... The humans were here to recover the asteroid while the girls defended them. What? You think that they would go alone? What with the possibility of the Sakura Empire finding out it would be suicide to go alone. By the way, how was the sakura empire doing?



A pair of legs landed on the deck of the battleship Yamato. This was Asashio, one of the scouts sent out by Yamato.

Asashio made her way to the Bow of the vessel and found the lady herself, sitting cross legged on the bow, her back facing Asashio, a sword laying flat in her lap as though she was meditating.

Asashio: Lady Yamato.

The kitsune's right ear flicked in the general direction of where the voice came from.

Asashio: We found something. You probably want to see it...

To say that the destroyer was afraid of Yamato would be putting it mildly. While her leader was normally a kind hearted woman that was easy to talk to and someone anyone would look up to... She had been different recently. Something about this mission or maybe recent events was bothering her.

Yamato: Hmm. Show me.

Yamato Stood up and turned to face Asashio while hinging her blade at her hip.

Asashio: Well... I was out on patrol and then I saw a few ships in the distance... We think they might be from the Azur lane.

Yamato: I see... If that's the case th-


Yamato: What... What is this?

Thunder: Honkai energy!


Yamato felt it again, it was like a crushing pulse to her soul telling her that something dangerous was out there. Although the second one felt different from the first. The first one felt like a straight pulse of energy... but the second, it felt different, sentient almost.

Yamato in the heat of Darted her gaze over to the bow of her ship again, this time however she was not simply gazing at the sea, no, she was looking into the fiery eyes of her enemy, her hand grabbing the hilt of her sword.

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