Fire and Lightning (part 1)

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It had been half a year since Johnston's passing, even though it hasn't been a full year since, Gambier Bay had made it a habit to visit her grave every day. This is where we find her now.

Gambier: Has it been six months already? It feels like it was just yesterday that you were with us, Liang.

She chuckled after saying that name while looking out towards the sea from the hill that she was standing on.

Gambier Bay: You hated that nickname from the start. I still remember that day on the sea like it was yesterday...


It was a sunny day on the sea and the taffy 3 trio was on the water, making their way to Pearl harbour at a steady pace. Gambier Bay and Johnston, had decided to lay down and rest on the flight deck of the light carrier and while doing this, Johnston noticed a pair of seagulls flying overhead.

Johnston: "Have you ever wondered what those birds are feeling up there?"

Gambier Bay: "No... why bring this up now, Liang?"

Johnston: "Hmm? No rea- A pfft a! Liang!?"

Gambier Bay: "Yah, don't like it?"

Johnston: ... "Do I look like I'm from Dragon Empery to you!?"

Gambier Bay: "No, but I thought it would be cute for you."

Johnston: ..."Idiot"...

Gambier Bay: "Come on. You know you like it."

She said with a cheeky smile.

Johnston: "No I don't"

Gambier Bay: "Suuuuure..."


Johnston: ...

Gambier Bay was rubbing her cheek after being hit there by Johnston.

Gambier Bay: "Pfffft! HAhahahahaha!"

Johnston: "Hahahahahahah!"


Gambier Bay: But those days are gone now, never to return... along with you. Dear Liang.

She said this as she touched a somewhat large gravestone that had been placed under a large Oak tree. On this gravestone was the inscription:

"A Soul that fought till the end."

USS Johnston DD-557


Gambier Bay: If only I was quicker...

Phoenix: Remember We still have to sortie. Don't tell me you forgot how Important this mission is for Azur lane.

Gambier Bay: No Phoenix, I have not-

Phoenix: So then what are you waiting for?

Gambier Bay: ...You're right.

She took her hand off the gravestone, turned around and walked away.

Phoenix: Not really what I meant. But this works too.


Gambier Bay was now walking through the base, looking for a specific building. On her way she had passed many ship girls that had been running about, preparing ammunition and supplies for the upcoming mission.

Gambier Bay: Things sure are heating up again

Phoenix: Ironic coming from you.

Gambier Bay: Yah yah.

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