Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

‘I have no idea who you are!’

“If you look to the top of the building you will see the work of-“Mr. Gram’s voice fades out as my attention span looses interest in his lesson.

I let my eyes wonder around the busy street and I wonder how many of these people even notice the person next to them. It was weird sometimes to think that we were all careless enough to walk around without defending ourselves against a threat that could be anyone or anything.

“You’re doing that creepy people watching thing.” Harley steps in front of me her eyes wide with slight concern as I smile at her.

“I am not creepy.” I say easily watching as relief passes her face, Harley is great for most things but emotional support isn’t one of them, she gets tongue tied and often says the wrong thing.

“Hey Sienna-“ A hand falls on my shoulder heavily as I turn to grab the person wrist and push sending them flying against the wall of the building a loud thump echo’s as Harley gasps slightly.

“Shit sorry Marcus!” I mutter walking over to him and helping him up. Marcus Grey, teacher assistant and part time model. He looks up at me a little bit dazed as he accepts my hand to help pull him up.

“You’re freakishly strong.” He mutters rubbing his back slightly I flinch, why was I so edgy today?

“Sorry again, I freaked out.” I say with a shrug hoping that’s the only explanation I will have to give.

Harley walks over her cheeks slightly pink and I almost forget the small crush she has on Marcus his soft brown curls sway in the wind and I notice his soft features I can see the attraction but he is just to ‘pretty’ for me.

“What did you want?” I ask with a friendly smile hopping he will drop it and move on. Wishful thinking people always get freaked when I lash out, an accident most the time.

“Oh what?” He asks looking at me again I smile and he nods his head. “Oh yeah, I was wondering if you wanted to go for a drink later?”

I feel surprise cross my eyes as I look at a heartbroken Harley whose expression is now sad her eyes looking at the floor. I was not expecting that, sending Marcus a wry smile.

“Sorry Marcus I have plans.” I say and he looks taken back for a moment, he may not be used to be turned down.

“No worries, another time?” He asks a bit to eager I give him thumbs up instead of answering afraid I will hurt his feelings.

“I’m sorry Harley.” I turn to her and she sends me a sad smile.

“It’s not your fault; apparently throwing him into buildings of good architect culture turns him on.” I snort slightly, even when she’s down she can still make a better joke than most.

“His loss though right?” I respond nudging her shoulder with my own lightly not wanting to send her flying also. She nods her head but I can see doubt in her eyes.

“You’re beautiful he would be lucky to go on a date with you.” I say meaning it; she is beautiful he only asked me because I turn most people down.

It’s become a game for boys to play, who will win my ‘college date virginity’ it was pretty sick, but boys will be boys. Shame my real virtue was gone and dusted other wise they might be throwing them selves at me physically and all.

“You don’t see your self; they all want the ‘bad girl’.” Harley scoffs as we turn and walk in step with each other; I roll my eyes in annoyance.

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