Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Im sorry?

“More wine?” Harley asks me and I stumble over my own two feet as if my body was answering my question for me.

“Fudge sticks im drunk.” I say slurring my words slightly.

I and Harley had spoken about the wolf stuff for about ten minutes before cracking open two bottles and since then we hadn’t stopped.

“Harley?” Connors voice drills through the door as he hammers on it hard shaking the foundation of the house almost.

He and Jacob had taken turns attempting to get in but the only way they were going to get in was by breaking the door and I had sent a very sharp threat there way if they did that.

“Bollocks.” Harley grumbles going to answer the door I nod my head at no one wishing I had the sense not to drink that glass.

She opens the door clumsily and Connor and Jacob charge through, I squint my eyes slightly.

Wolf people are incredible irritable.

“Sienna, why didn’t you open the door?” Jacob strides over to me and I wave my hand dismissively.

“Harley insisted we drink, you’re super tall.” I comment staring up at him his face crossed between being irritated and concerned.

“No! My best friend, go away.” Harley screams swatting her hand against Jacobs chest, he steps back looking a bit stunned.

“I think we need to get you home Sienna.” He says trying to reach out for me, Harley slaps his hand away and I watch anger flash through Jacobs eyes.

“You-“ he begins through gritted teeth.

“Alpha please, she doesn’t understand.” Connor says stepping in front of him, I stare at Jacob wide eyed his face is angry like really angry.

Harley snuggles in to my chest and I pat her back lightly not talking my eyes of Jacob.

“She is my mate; no one will keep me from her.” He seethes pushing Connor to the side with ease, his eyes go a pale shade of silver and Connor closes his eyes and looks deep in thought.

“Come on man, there drunk and human.” Connor tries again and Jacob snarls loud enough that Harley begins to whimper, I frown.

My head is fuzzy what’s going on?

“Sienna go to Jacob, give me Harley.” Connor instructs and I stare at him like he’s mad.

I don’t reply and Connor reaches out for Harley and in my drunken state I let him take her, she wraps her arms around his neck and I take a small step towards Jacob.

“Jacob?” I ask and he looks at him his eyes turning back to normal after a moment he reaches for me and crushes me firmly to his chest.

“Im sorry.” He whispers so low I almost missed it.

Is that the wolf in him? Does it make him angry?

“Alpha Brooks!” As quick as I can, I snap my head to see Harleys front door in pieces by her coffee table and three men and a woman standing in the door frame of the hall way.

“Its okay I called them.” Connor says to a crying Harley, I look at Jacob whose jaw twitches.

“Tyler, Fabian, Leon and Cambelle.” He inclines his head politely and I leave his embrace but keep my hand firmly in his.

I turn to the four new people and I sway slightly, feeling the drink hit me. Damn, im such a light weight.

“You are all way too tall.” I comment squinting at them they send me weird looks and Jacob chuckles.

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