Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

‘Well that’s new’

Chucking my art pad in to my bag I replace if with my business binder and a blue pen dumping it on the desk hastily.

I was feeling rather tense lately, it was Thursday and I hadn’t fought since Monday and it was getting to me slightly. I felt my patience thin and my temper was all but unbearable I snapped at an old lady on the street because she was making too much noise with her walking stick.

Grimacing as I remember the old lady totter away a scared expression on her face. Sometimes I wonder how I have any friends at all.

“Don’t forget we are going out tomorrow night!” Harley’s voice makes me jump but lucky for her I don’t lash out, she sits on the seat next to me as I look at her completely bewildered.

“You forgot didn’t you?” She moans rather loudly causing the two rows in front of us to turn round and stare.

“What are you looking at?” I snap just as loud happy to see them all turn around with shocked faces. Harley looks at me and shakes her head, she doesn’t agree with shouting or fighting or anything that involves much physical effort.

“No we are going out right?” I say quickly, I really don’t want her to be in a mood with me as well, my brother isn’t speaking to me and my mum took his side about the whole ‘no gas’ thing.

Sometimes I wonder if I was really meant to be an older sister.

“Yeah we are meeting at yours at eight.” She says happily just as the whispering dies down at the strict lecturer walks in his balding head annoying me even before he speaks.

I watch as he places his briefcase on the desk. Briefcase wanker, I think to myself.

“Today we have a special guest, a man who is a great inspiration to this city and to this country. This man made a large contribution to bringing our crime rate down and putting dangerous men in prison where they belong.” Harley sits up straighter as I slouch down resting my head on my hands.

I think I’ll take a nap; this class was only for some extra credit anyway.  

“I would like to thank Harley Northton for getting in touch with this man.” I peek up through my eyelashes to see Harley blush with embarrassment from the attention.

Rolling my eyes I close my eyes once again, Harley is uber intelligent it doesn’t surprise me she has something to do with the guest speaker.

“Class welcome Mr Jacob Brooks.”  My eyes snap open as I hear his name but my head stays on my desk. Why is he here? I hear whispers but can’t isolate one in particular.

I cringe slightly thinking of how he caught my hand so effortlessly, he must think im weak. Harley hits me in the back of the head with what I can imagine was a big fucking text book.

“Ow that hurt!” I jump up my hand rushing to the back of my head, Harleys mouth opens slightly as I realize my outburst has caught the attention of the class.

“Shit.” I swear under my breath and turn to the front of the class my teeth gritted.

 “Miss. West something you would like to share with the class?” My business lecturer sends me a harsh glare as I watch as Jacob Brooks stands at the front of the class room leaning on the desk a smirk on his face.

His suit is coal grey with a black tie; I have to say this colour looks much better on him than the last one. Shoot! Shut up Sienna!

“No, nothing, not a damn thing.” I say in a rush wishing I had decided to take the day off to attack my punch bag.

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