Chapter 15

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Chapter 15


I stared in silence at Jacob whose face went from happy to concern to worry then to panic.

“Sienna? Are you okay?” He asks placing his hands on my shoulders, I feel the warmth of his hands but my eyes remain wide.

His mate? Crap, I can’t be his mate I don’t even know what im doing tomorrow let alone the rest of my life!

“Sienna! Sia!” He says a little bit louder rocking my shoulders slightly.

“Are you sure?” I whisper, my heart aches for the answer, I knew there was a reason I was so attracted to him, but this, this seems like some sort of fairytale.

“I’ve never been so sure off anything in my life, are you okay?” He asks again and I feel my cheeks heat up.

Im so foolish, he has just told me something which was probably incredibly difficult for him and I act like some sort of socially challenged freak.

“Im sorry, it just explains so much.” I say louder this time, a smile appears on his lips and my heart rate calms at the sight.

What does this boy do to me?

“What do you mean?” he asks me and I blush again, was I really going to tell him?

“Every time you look at me my heart kind of jumps and when we touch its like a warmth I can’t describe and when we uh kiss-“ His smile gets wider as I carry on talking and I stop, the goofy grin on his face is a little bit creepy.

“Imagine those feelings and times them by a thousand that’s what I deal with looking at you.” He whispers leaning down and placing a soft kiss on my forehead, I sigh in content.

“What does this mean?” I ask, curious, it’s not as if we know each other well enough to get married and have babies.. okay scary thoughts.

“I would like very much to get to know you.” Jacob says smoothly wrapping an arm around my waist and tugging me into his side.

“Will these feelings ever go away?” I ask him as I find myself snuggling deeper in to him I look up and he looks in thought.

“We only get one mate, so this is new to me as well.  I know that mating is a three step process and until you finish it you will find it hard to be away from each other.” He murmurs running a hand through my hair.

“Three steps?” I ask and he shifts a little uncomfortable as I lean away from him so I can look at his face properly.

“Step one is first contact which can be threw a hand shake or a uh kiss.” He mutters rubbing the back of his neck, my eyebrows shoot up.

“You started mating me before telling me?” I ask, feeling the words form a little bit to easily out my lips. He nods his head looking a little bit worried.

“I couldn’t help it, my wolf was killing me.” He says and I furrow my eyebrows, wolf?

“My wolf is very much a part of me Sienna, he is not in control but he’s your mate as well I know that sounds weird.” He says shyly and I smile.

“Nothing sounds weird anymore. What are the other two steps?” I ask with an eye roll.

“Oh well the second is a bite on your left shoulder, it mixes your scent with mine and warns other wolves that you are mine.” He mutters ‘mine’ with a firm growl and my body tingles at his protective tone.

“I won’t turn in to a wolf right? I really don’t fancy a tail.” I say trying to bring humour to this conversation because deep down im starting to panic a little bit.

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