Chapter 20

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Comment by SeanBurton on chapter 19 made me think.. Good call SB!

Chapter 20


“The whole weekend?” I sigh softly as my mum asks me again; she’s gone all protective mother on my ass after Jacob left.

I wish he had stayed and he remained shirtless at least then she wouldn’t be giving me the safe sex talk two years too late whilst day dreaming about Jacob naked, it was gross not Jacob naked that was anything but..  my mum though? Come on!

“Yes, im leaving tonight and I will be home Sunday morning; I am old enough and ugly enough to spend the weekend away from home.” I reply rolling my eyes, my mum huffs slightly.

“You may think so; your brother doesn’t wander off for days on end and he’s OLDER than you.” She says emphasizing ‘OLDER’ I grimace, here we go.

“Yes, because ROMEO gets to have all the fun here.” I tell her and she laughs slightly, I am not joking woman!

My mum feels close to us but I think Romeo is her favourite and he deserves it, I do resent him for it sometimes. When our dad died he really took care of mum did the shopping drove me places as soon as he got his license.

It wasn’t until I started being more independent he when back to his childish whore ways and I became the older sibling for a change.

“Okay fine, but call me at least once a day and text your brother you know he likes to know your safe.” She scolds lightly walking out the front room a motherly smile in place, I smile a little bit.

I love my mum hell I love Romeo they never get too much in my business and there quirks make life amusing.

“Did Jacob drop the keys over yet?” I stand up and watch as my brother slumps next to me on the sofa, I smile softly he really has grown up in to a handsome man.

“Yo creepo! Stop staring, I know you’re jealous I got all the good looks.” He says a cocky grin on his face.

And there goes that sentimental moment..

“You wish, just ask all your mates who they would rather fuck?” I say with a smirk knowing it will make him uncomfortable he squirms slightly, got ya.

”And no, he couldn’t make lunch so he will drop them off when he picks me up later.” I say answering his question; Romeo nods his head and turns the TV on.

“I like him, I mean I know I said I don’t mind him dating you and it’s not the money but he seems to like you and he treats you right, yes?” He says not taking his eyes away from the screen, a broader smile reaches my lips at that, I knew he cared!

“We’re not dating as such just getting to know each other and yes he is the perfect gentlemen.” I say and he grunts in response, I stand to leave the room ready to face packing my bags.

Best not to mention he has an angry wolf side and one hell of a temper, that would be considered, need to know right?

“The money helps though, a hell of a lot.” Romeo shouts after me and I pause from walking a grimace on my face.

I knew it was too good to be true!


 Throwing my bag down the stairs I flinch as it makes a loud banging noise glad my mum had gone out to a baking class, I don’t think I can deal with her eyeing up Jacob I was starting to get jealous of my own mum!

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