Chapter 16

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Chapter 16


The drive was silent and I was risking glances at Harley hoping that she would send me a smile like she usual does.

I get glares; I get a hell of a lot of glares.

“Look Harley im really sorry I was going to tell you it’s just I got caught up.” I try to explain my explanation feeble; she huffs in annoyance as I park the car outside Carter & Brooks.

“You should have told me Sia, im your best friend.” She mumbles getting out my car, I sigh to myself.

I don’t know why I didn’t tell her and now I feel worse because I know Jacobs secret and she doesn’t know Connor’s.

I feel like im lying to my best friend.

“You didn’t tell me about Connor.” I say rushing to lock my car to catch up with her, she grits her teeth.

“Things are difficult with me and him, I told you the day after I met him.” She tells me walking quickly in to the building.

Why is she so mad?

“Okay, okay look Harley stop walking a damn minute!” I step in front of her putting my hands on her shoulders, easily done since we are the same height.

“At lunch I will tell you everything I can if you promise to do the same?” I tilt my head to the left and watch as she sighs.

“Deal.” She says and I grin at her, turning to walk through the doors.

A rumble in my belly tells me im excited to be here because im going to get to see Jacob, it feels weird now that I’ve accepted that I like him.

“Harley.” Craig Carter walks over from the reception desk and braces Harley against his side.

“You’re research on the Brunsen case was amazing, we have to look in to getting you in here for an intern spot this summer.” He says and Harley glows with happiness, I feel proud.

Harley was a damn good painter but her love will always be business where as I like to draw free hand and sleep through our business lectures. Garland is a small college there’s only a few mixtures of classes you can take.

“Miss. West, how have things been going with Mr. Brooks?” He turns to me and my mouth opens slightly.

Shit, what the hell do I say?

“Great.” I squeak out finally and he sends me a wide smile before dragging Harley off to the lift, I follow quickly my nerves hitting me.

I want to see Jacob, I need to see him. God it’s scary to think I feel this way about someone I didn’t know a month ago.

“I’ll see you at lunch; don’t forget to ask Mr. Brooks.” Harley says as I step out the lift and head for his office, my excitement building.

His office door was slightly ajar so pushing it open I notice its empty but his suit jacket is thrown over the chair. A sad smile reaches my face, am I that disappointed? Walking over to his desk I sit on his chair and admire the room.

Huh, this seat makes me feel powerful.

“You’re in my seat.” The soft click of the door makes me jump and I stand up quickly my eyes reaching his immediately.

“Hey.” I say running a hand through my hair, he sends me a heart breaking grin and strides over to me, bending down and pecking me on the lips lightly.

“I’ve wanted to do that all night.” He murmurs wrapping his arms around me and pulling me in to his chest.

I feel my cheeks heat up but not because im embarrassed but because I had also wanted to do that plus many other things all night, I had dreams that were pornographic to be blunt.

“Harley is in a mood with me.” I say as he lets me go reluctantly. I take a seat opposite him and he frowns.

“Yeah, Connor mentioned that she’s upset that you didn’t tell her about me?” A cocky grin reaches his face and I scoff.

“Don’t be so cocky.” I snap but the grin doesn’t leave his face.

“But yeah that’s basically it, I hate Connor by the way.” I say slumping down in my chair not liking the thought of Harley being mad.

“He’s terrified of you.” Jacobs lips twitch in amusement and I send him a glare.

“How is that funny?” I remark sitting forward slightly, he shakes his head.

“No comment, im a lawyer I know when to keep it zipped.” He mimes zipping up his lips and I groan in frustration.

“Why can’t he just tell her his wolfy secret, I feel so bad not being able to talk to her about everything. I mean how am I going to explain us? We barely know each other.” I say my body telling me to go closer to Jacob, to have his skin touch mine.

“It’s his choice when to tell her, pack rules.” Jacob says and I notice he is twitching slightly as I uncross and re cross my legs multiple times.

“Oh for gods sake!” I say a little bit to loudly, I jump up from my chair and walk round the desk placing myself on Jacobs lap, his arms encircle my waist and he snuggles his head into the crook of my neck.

“It get’s worse before it gets better.” He mutters his voice mashed by my skin.

“Great!” I say sarcastically feeling my body hum with approval.

I run my hand through his hair and I feel his throat rumble in pleasure.

“So I need a longer lunch break.” I bring up casual and he looks up at me.

“You know all this time off, I almost think you don’t want to be around me.” He says playfully placing soft but full of heat kisses on my shoulder. I hold in a moan of pleasure.

“Harley wants to talk.” I say breathlessly, Jacob ‘hmm’s’ but carries on trailing kisses up to my neck. I let out a soft ‘ah’.

I turn to place my lips on his before the office door slams open.

“Alpha Brooks please stop it.” I look in the doorway to see Tyler and Connor standing there, there faces looking like there in pain. I blush from embarrassment of how this looks I go to move but Jacob only grips me tighter.

“Sorry.” Jacob says a chuckle in his voice; they both nod awkwardly before leaving shutting the door behind them.

Well that was weird.

I turn to Jacob who rolls his eyes.

“I have a link to the pack, my emotions are tied in with there’s when I get ah excited they can’t help but feel similar.” He says with a shrug and I gasp.

“That’s humiliating!” I wail slightly realizing every time I and he do anything from now on his entire pack will know about it. I put my head in my hands, romance is never easy.

“You get use to it.” He says plying my face from my hands.

“So do I get the long lunch?” I ask my voice casual, his touch makes me forget my name.

“Only if you meet my mother.” His face breaks into an innocent smile as my eyes widen.

Yeah it’s confirmed this man is bat shit crazy!!!


Just a filler for now, juicy chapter next!! 

What ya think??




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