Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

‘Heroes welcome’

Leaning my head on the cold window I watch as the rain drops fall down and smile, I love the rain. Mainly because it drowns out noise, but in this car that seems to be impossible.

“Maybe I wouldn’t have called you a harlot if you didn’t insult my intelligence all the time.” Conner speaks angrily his head permanently facing us in the back seat, I flinch they have been arguing non stop since we got in the car.

30 minutes in and I had given up attempting to help or make a snarky comment my self, it was pointless. Jacob had remained silent except to send me looks in the mirror; he always made me feel better.

“You’re such a jerk; you have no idea how to speak to women!” Harley yells slightly and I watch Jacobs hands grow tighter on the wheel.

“I’m a jerk? Do you know how hard it is to talk to you?” Connor scoffs and I notice Jacob clenching his teeth.

“Oh-“Harley begins but a booming voice interrupts.

“That is enough! Connor you know full well your emotions are tied to mine and right now I am feeling so angry I want to ram this car in to a tree and Harley I understand this is difficult for you, your upset and probably scared but Connor is an idiot you will learn to love him for it.

Now please can we have a moment with out you bickering like six year olds? Sienna and I are going through the exact same thing and we don’t need your added anger or stress.” As silence falls I find myself feeling turned on? Oh my god, I did not just think that!

His voice was powerful and sexy and I felt it weigh down the tension in the car, he could rival anything with that voice.

“Im sorry Alpha.” Connors head bowed in submission and Harley sits back gulping slightly.

“Sorry Mr. Brooks.” She whispers slightly and I stare wide eyed, that is one hell of an effect, I want to learn how to do that to Romeo!

“Harley please, call me Jacob. It’s only Mr. Brooks to my clients and Alpha when someone has done something to tick me off.” He replies chuckling slightly, the mood in the car lifts and I take out a breath I had no idea I was holding.

“That was something.” I say meekly and Jacob sends me a wink in the rear view mirror.

“You like a man in charge?” He asks suggestively and I smirk slightly.

“Maybe.” I say coyly looking back out the window.

I always thought I liked to be in charge but after that display of dominance.. Maybe I would be open to a thing or two.

 “Not helping.” Jacob says coldly watching Connor closely; Connor shrugs casually and turns to look out the window.

What was that about?

“We’re almost here.” He murmurs looking in to the forest me and Harley try to follow his eyes but it’s likely out human eye sight wont match his wolfy eyes.

“Where do you live anyway? Middle of a forest.” I snort and I look at Jacob well the back of his head and I see a small smile on his lips in the mirror.

“You do?” I ask and he nods his head I roll my eyes as Harley groans.

“I didn’t bring any flats.” She groans audibly and I grin at her, I did!

“I’ll carry you everywhere.” Connor says flashing her a cute grin, Harley frowns and flicks him on the nose hard, a giggle bursts through my lips.

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