Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

‘Hands off bitch!’

Staring at reflection in the mirror, I rub invisible creases from my red mid thigh dress. I scrubbed up well, my blonde hair makes me look slightly Barbie like but that’s okay after a conversation with me you will find I am no more Barbie than Romeo.

“Do not come to ‘Cola’ tonight.” I turn to my door to see Romeo standing there in dress pants and a shirt; he’s going out also and is adamant that we can’t be in the same club.

Apparently it’s bad for his ‘image’.

“No promises, you look less like a homeless person than usual.” I say crinkling my noise up slightly. Ro smirks mysteriously.

“Thanks, you look more human than usual and all.” I throw one of my decorative pillows at him laughing to myself. That’s as close as a compliment im going to get with him and vice versa.

“Sienna! The girls are here!”

“Shoot.” I mutter grabbing my bag of my desk and head down stairs, I would have been ready earlier but I really want to put a training session in before the fight tomorrow and then I kind of fell asleep.

“You look lovely darling, drive safe and don’t drink too much!” She wraps an arm round my shoulder and squeezes gently as I walk out the door, I roll my eyes.

“You know me mum, party animal.” I say over my shoulder a grin on my face, she gestures for me to go and I blow her a kiss.

I hate leaving her especially when I know she’s going to be on her own with out I or Romeo there. She sends me a kiss back just as I jump into the back seat of Bambi’s car.

“You look hot, if I was a lesbian I would definitely ask you to dance.” Bambi says to me pulling out of my drive and onto the road I roll my eyes, I still prefer jeans and a hoody.

“I am a lesbian so if we weren’t such good friends I’d ask you to remove that dress, it’s bothering me.” I send a flirtatious wink to Shelly.

Her being a lesbian has never bothered any of us sometimes it’s quite refreshing to have someone who bats for that team.

“Where are we heading first?” Harley asks leaning forward so she can speak to the twins as well.

“Cola!” Bambi says quickly and a smile forms at my lips.

Sorry bro, I guess you’ll have to share the limelight tonight.


“So we beat the lions 34 – 21-“ The voice of some dumb high school drop out makes my eyes narrow with annoyance.

I hated being chatted up even with men that had a chance, but this guy? He was around thirty with a residing hair line and a double chin. Not my type at all.

“That’s so interesting, im just going to go to the bathroom.” Dismissing myself my tone heavy with sarcasm I watch as he nods his head eagerly thinking he is in with a chance, really?

“Sienna West! Come over here girl!” Putting a confident grin on my face I walk over to Danny George my brothers best friend.

Romeo sends me harsh glare as the girls that surround them make excuses and leave, what can I say? Natural cock block.

“Hey Danny boy!” I say wrapping my arms around his waist lightly; he hugs me tightly kissing the top of my head lightly.

He always greeted me that way and usually I didn’t mind I mean it was just Danny, but now if felt weird and uncomfortable. Leaving his arms I take a step away from him hoping he wouldn’t notice.

“What did I say?” My brother fumes smacking his empty beer back on the bar. I roll my eyes.

“I haven’t the foggiest.” I reply smartly pulling my blonde hair over one shoulder. Why is he getting so mad anyway?

“He’s just mad because you scare of all the tail.” Danny says sending me a cheeky but harmless wink; I smile slightly as a sick feeling enters my stomach. What is with me?

“Tail? Your sick bro. I’m off to find my girls.” I shout as the music gets slightly louder, Danny nods his head and Romeo completely ignores me.

“Harley’s outside grabbing a cab.” Bambi slurs to me turning back to snog the face off some average looking dude as I look around for a familiar brunette. Running my hand through my hair, I knew this would happen.

It’s the same thing every time we go out, Bambi will pull first, I will get cornered by drunken guys and Harley cries because some bitch called her fat, which she is anything but. As for Shelly she seems to always find a girl to spend the night with.

Sliding through the dance floor attempting to avoid touching people as much as possible I rush outside hoping to catch Harley before she heads home.

“Harley wait up!” I call just as her cab pulls off the sidewalk and drives down the road.

“Damn.” I mutter, im going to have to go speak with her in the morning to prevent another ‘I am too fat to leave the house’ weekend. 

Turning to walk back into the club I notice movement in the tree’s opposite it looked as if someone was running through the bushes.

“Hey did you see that?” I shout to the bouncer who shrugs his shoulders at me and I frown, great security you have there ‘cola’.

Strutting across the road quickly I gaze in to the thin layers of tree’s just able to see the out line of the houses behind it in the dark. I squint slightly leaning forward; it will be just my luck to find a dead body or something.

A noise behind me makes me look over my shoulder but there’s nothing there the bouncer is taping away happily at his phone, turning back around my breath catches in my throat.

A large black wolf stands two feet away from my face its silver eyes wide and filled with emotion, human emotions. I step back slowly my heart thudding in my chest.

Do wolves eat people? Do you run, not run? Crap! I should have listened more in school.

“Good wolfy.” I coo in a gruff whisper taking another step back, the wolf tilts its head to the left as if it’s confused.

A howl rips through the air causing the wolf to snap his nose up in to the air making me jump  so I spin on my heel and run as fast as I can back to the club lunging at the bouncer as soon as I can.

There was no way I could fight a wolf, they have huge teeth.

“Are you okay miss?” He asks and I look back at the trees to see nothing but darkness.

The wolf’s disappeared.

“Yeah, sorry I thought I saw something.” I mutter confused, I shake my head slightly before smiling at the bouncer who watches me walk back in to the club.

“Kids drink to damn much these days.” He grumbles to himself and I grimace, unless orange juice has turned alcohol over night I think im stone cold sober.

“I wish I was drunk.” I whisper to myself before walking back in to the club the loud music filling my ears helping my mind to distract me from my thoughts.

Walking through the heavy crowd I strain my neck to find either Shelly or Bambi, it’s time I go home and get some sleep. I have training in the early morning and I really don’t want to be sleep deprived.

A large sweaty hand falls on my but and grips tightly. That’s it! I am done with handsy men. Turning round quickly I grab the man in his early forties by the head and smash his face in to my knee.

“Hands off bitch.” I shout loud enough for him and all his goons to hear. Taking another look around I still can’t see them. Fighting with myself I wonder if I should carry on looking or not.

Shelly and Bambi have a way of always going home together one of there freaky twin things. Sighing to myself I grab my phone from my bra and get ready to call a cab, its late im tired and my brain hurts. 


Five chapters.. no votes. So no likey?



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