Chapter 11

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Chapter 11


Sitting across from Jacob I take my time thinking of something to say. Maybe I should of googled him. In fairness not every one knows who he is some older couples whisper when he walks by but not many of the younger generation.

Unless there female and then they follow him like he’s a piece of meat, I had felt incredible jealous and by the smirk on his face I sensed he knew that.

“Enjoying college?” His deep voice pulls me from my thoughts and I shrug my shoulders casually.

“Yeah its okay, did you always want to be a lawyer?” I ask not wanting to talk about myself.

I wasn’t ashamed of who I was it’s just not much in my life made sense and I didn’t want the usual confused looks.

“Since I was around seven, I watched my dads’ murderer walk away because he had a good lawyer and I knew I had to become a better one.” I take a large bite out of my ice cream with wide eyes.

“I’m sorry; I lost my dad a few years ago.” I say automatically feeling safe and secure. Jacob sends me a look of warmth? Why does he care so much?

“Sorry, it’s okay I had a big uh family around me.”  He says in response to my pity, hesitation? This man never hesitated.

He opens his mouth to speak before his phone vibrates, it does that a lot.

“Shit.” He hisses quietly looking at the screen.

“You can answer it I don’t mind.” I say, it’s not like we’re on a date right?

“It’s not that uh it’s my mum.” He says rubbing the back of his neck, I raise an eyebrow.

“Jacob Brooks, are you a mummy’s boy?” I ask amusement clear on my face, he sends me a lop sided grin and answers his phone.

“Hi mum.” He says and I see him flinch just as a female voice shrills down the other end, I can’t hear her properly but by the look on Jacobs face she is going to town on him.

“Well no I didn’t-“He gets cut off.

“Yes but mum-“Cut off again, I smile amused as his face drops to one of frustration.

“Look mum I know your-“He growls loudly when she cuts him off and I jump slightly. Did he seriously just growl?

The couple behind us turn to stare and I send them a wry smile turning back to Jacob I see him taking a deep breath his mum appears to be silent.

“As I was saying, yes I will come home this weekend; I couldn’t tell you about the mating because it’s too soon.” He says his eyes flicking back and for to me, what’s mating?

“Okay I’ll do my best, yes, yes okay. Bye mum, I love you.” He speaks quickly and hangs up the phone rubbing his temples slightly, I stare at him. What just happened?

“She’s mad.” He tells me taking his spoon and shovelling almost the whole ice cream in his mouth. Leaning back I listen in to the conversation behind me, no one ever said being nosy was illegal.

“Yes but those Wolves were back again last night running in the field.” My ears perked up, wolves?

“Behind Larden Street?” The man asks his voice gruff. Larden? That’s where I live!

“We have to go.” Jacobs stern voice snaps me back to him I see his face

“Why?” I ask surprised he doesn’t answer he just grabs my hand of the table and pulls me out the ice cream parlour. I follow easily, im always curious about what he says and does.

He’s a little bit strange and jumpy, a bit like what Harley describes me.

“This truck is awesome, where did you get it?” I ask as he jumps into the driver’s seat, this is my attempt to melt the tension. (Ice cream? Melt? No one? Hahah.)

“Imported, you can have it if you want.” He says casually and I snort.

“Funny.” I say looking out the window he drives fast but it doesn’t feel dangerous I don’t know whether that’s his driving or him.

“Seriously, I have plenty of cars.” He mutters sounding a little bit upset. Why an earth would he be upset that he has lots of cars? Id love it!

“Right.” I say again with a roll of my eyes, like he would give me his truck.

“I need to tell you something.” The words burst out his lips and I stare at him confused, he looks a little surprised himself.

“Okay?” I ask unsure.

“Just uh-“He begins and I raise an eyebrow whilst staring at him, he keeps his eyes on the road.

“Just stay out of the forest by your house.” He finishes lamely.

“I never went in there anyway.” I say slightly annoyed, he had my heart racing.

Well it’s not as if he was going to admit his undying love for me was it? I was so stupid, I had a crush on him just a little one. I knew he would never go for me in that way.


Four hours after I had finished my first working day, all I did was sit in Jacobs office whilst he went to meetings and things. Harley apparently had a brilliant business pack day.

I don’t think I want to switch.

Grabbing my ipod of charge I walk out my house feeling nervous and slightly confused. I had never even looked at the small forest behind my house for longer than two seconds but after Jacobs warning I couldn’t help but be intrigued.

Maybe there’s a secret house or something there and the wolves, id love to get a glimpse of them again.

Jumping over the back gate with ease I find myself straight in front of the mouth of the forest.

I gulp slightly, it looked scary. Okay I run all the time, head phones in soft pace. I set off keeping to what looks like a path.

Fifteen minutes later I don’t see anything interesting so I go to turn around and head home, it was getting dark and I really didn’t take my chances of getting lost.

“Shit.” I say out loud as two wolves stand behind me, one brown and one golden. Are wolves meant to be this big?

Okay what do I do? Looking around frantically there’s no weapon unless they have a un rational fear of fallen leaves. I step backwards slowly stepping on a twig, the sound echoes around me.

“Fuck.” I say desperately risking the need to palm my forehead in annoyance.

The wolves move forward and I fall backwards, scrambling away from them. They don’t move forward they just stare at me, so I stare back.

There eyes, I recognized there eyes.

They move to the side just as a much larger black wolf walks in between them his black fur is darker than black and his eyes.. There so familiar.

The wolf steps forward his earls flat on his head in a submissive manner. My heart is thudding so hard in my chest I can almost feel my rib cage breaking.

Those eyes are the same silver as..?

They look so human.

I watch to wolf lie on his belly the other two following suit immediately. Crap, im going to say it, if it’s just a wolf he won’t understand me any way.



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