Ch. 34: A Crazy Talk

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They passed Boscha's room, where they heard a loud explosion. A minute passed before they heard Boscha.

"I'm okay."

"I guess being weird is why you love Boscha too." Luz said with a smile.

"Yeah, she's a bit more controlled about her weirdness though." Amity said about Boscha.

"Yeah, because blowing up is controlled." Luz said.

Luz rolled her eyes with a chuckle, thinking that Amity's sword was being worked on in there.

Boscha walked out, covered in soot and Abomination goo. She was wearing a smock, large leather gloves, and heavy boots. She remove the goggles that she's been known to wear.

"I think I need a break." She said, "And... maybe a shower."

Removing the smock, gloves, and boots; Boscha walked down the hall to the bathroom as she passed one of the house help.

"Ms. Potter, could you wash these for me?" Boscha asked kindly.

"Of course, Miss Boscha."

The servant dress a spell circle to levitate the dirty items as Boscha walked past her.

"Thank you, Ms. Potter." Boscha said as she continued to the bathroom.

Boscha tried to get some of Abomination goo out of her hair.

"This is why I never joined the Abomination Track."

The mud could make a good and useful servant but it was terrible to try and get out of your hair and clothes. Not unless you were an abomination witch and could just pull it out with magic. Boscha turned the handle to her shower and let the water heat up. A good hot shower could get more out then just picking it out, especially before it hardens. Boscha took off her clothes and got in.

"This could be good for me." She said, "It's been a while since I've had a minute to myself."

Though she loved Luz and Amity, it was nice to have some space every now and then. In another room, Amity and Luz were relaxing a little.

"So, pizza flattens you, root beer inflates you, what other foods change your body?" Luz asked.

"A few." Amity said to her.

"Are you going to tell me?" Luz asked.

"Depends, are you going to go look for them?" Amity asked.

"Maybe....." Luz said with a smile.

Amity groaned.

"There's these things called Cubed Fruit. Eat one and you turn into this little... cube."

Luz knew what that was like. That weird lizard guy, wait, she could get her revenge now.

'I'll keep those in mind.' Luz thought.

"Okay, anything else?" Luz said as she pulled out a notepad and pencil.

"Well, the twins pranked me with Ball Berries once by sneaking them into my salad. It shrinks you and makes your body spherical. It also makes you bounce."

"So, you become like a grudgby ball?"

"Pretty much. I got my revenge though, I did the same thing to Emira, then I threw her at Edric's head, he got a black eye and she got deflated. That might be why they enjoy turning into stuff though" Amity said, "And you are NEVER allowed to use these."

Amity kept going over several in a weird silence that isn't usual with Luz. Luz didn't respond as she was face deep in a note pad.

'I'll keep these in mind.' Luz thought as she wrote down all of the foods.

"You're going to try and find them, aren't you?" Amity asked.

"Nooooo." Luz said.

"Luz, I will glue your mouth shut if I have too!" Amity warned her.

"Fine, I won't do that." Luz said.

'I'm totally doing it.' Luz thought.

"You better not or else." Amity said, threatening Luz with a small pot of abomination mud on her hip.

"So, how are you feeling?" Luz asked, changing the subject.

"About getting a weapon? A little nervous." Amity said.

"I mean about everything. Amity, I've known you long enough to know that you bottle all of your emotions inside."

Amity let out a sigh, holding her arm as she looked down a bit.

"If you mean about what happened with.....Odalia, I'm still shaken and worry what she'll do." Amity admitted.

"I'm glad you told me. Amity, I promise, she won't get her hands on you again." Luz said, "Because, if she tries, I'll cut them off again."

Amity couldn't help but chuckle at the morbid job, though it was satisfying to see her mother grovel in pain.

"Now, hypothetically speaking, where do I find Cubed Fruit?"

Amity stopped her giggling as she gave Luz a blank look, raising a single eyebrow.

"I said hypothetically!" Luz quickly said.

Boscha emerged from the bathroom, wearing a nice white robe.

"What's hypothetical?" Boscha asked, her hair down from her usual bun.

"Luz is asking about where to find Cubed Fruit." Amity said.

"So?" Boscha asked.

"I don't want her finding them. She asked for anymore foods that affect you like pizza and root beer, so I told her but I won't tell here where to find them. Who knows what she'll do with them." Amity said as she crossed her arms.

"She's an adult." Boscha said.

"No, she isn't!"

"Well, I tried Luz."

"Oh, well." Boscha said, "Who wants to cuddle?"

"I do, if you... put some clothes on." Luz said.

"Yeah, we all know you're naked under that robe." Amity said.

Boscha rolled her eyes but went to get dressed.

"Wimps." Boscha said loud enough for them to hear.

"Wait until we're married, then we can do more than naked cuddling!" Luz said.

Amity blushed at this, feeling steam rising from her head.

"Luz!" She shouted.

"What, it's the truth."

Amity couldn't say anything after that, having thought of marriage as well but never said it because it seemed too soon.

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