Ch. 110: Plush and Plot

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At Triplet Manor, Boscha took Luz off and threw her over the back of a chair.

"Well, that was a surprisingly nice visit to the owl lady. Despite that armored bitch attacking us." Boscha said, "Shame Amity went home. Now I'm all alone."

"Boscha." Luz said, "I'm right here."

Boscha put a hand on her head.

"Alone with nothing but a talking jacket!" Boscha said.

"Wow, you are a very over the edge actor." Luz said, "I can't see you being in a movie anytime soon."

"Wow, rude." Boscha said, grabbing Luz.

She grabbed Luz and laid over her top half like a blanket.

"Is my punishment over yet?" Luz asked.

"With you being this comfy? No." Boscha said.

"Even comfier than cuddling with the normal me?" Luz asked.

"Comfier? Yes, cuddlier? No." Boscha said, "Oh, I have an idea!"

Boscha made a spell circle and Luz became a life sized plush of herself. Boscha held Luz close and snuggled her head against Luz's neck.

"A plushie me?!" Luz said as she looked over her body in shock.

"Yep! The perfect blend of comfy and cuddly! Amity is gonna love this." Boscha said.

"Although..." Boscha squished Luz a little, "There's some areas that could use some more stuffing."

Luz's felt began to turn pink at that.

"I... I'm not THAT flat." Luz said.

"I... I meant you are a little thin." Boscha said, "Honestly, you need to eat a little more."


"But now that you mention it."

"Boscha!" Luz said with a whine, hating how her girlfriend was judging her body right now.

"Oh, relax." Boscha said, "I'm just saying, you need a little more in certain regions."

Boscha made a spell circle and Luz's mouth was sewn up.

"There, now we can cuddle in silence." Boscha said with a smile.

"MMMMM?!" Luz muffled out through the stitches!

"Love you too." Boscha said, closing her eyes and holding Luz close, slowly drifting to sleep.

Luz groaned through the stitches, unable to move or to speak!

'Where is my other girlfriend when I need her and what did I do to deserve this?!' Luz thought, '... Oh, right, the credit card.'

Boscha began to talk in her sleep and pulled Luz closer, making her squeak like a dog toy.

"No... t's my... Luz." Boscha said.

'Awe, she's dreaming of me.'

"No, she's my Luz. Get your own." Boscha mumbled in her sleep, "My Luz."

Boscha began kissing Luz in her sleep.

'Normally I'd enjoy this but now when I can't even kiss back!' Luz thought, 'Still... I love this girl.'

With no other choice in mind, Luz decided to nap with Boscha and slowly fell asleep. Elsewhere, Belos and Odalia were plotting. The mess left from Hunter's betrayal was being cleaned up as they spoke inside of Belos's private quarters.

"It's time to stop messing around." Belos said, "If we want to defeat the human... we must kill her allies."

"I know but with the traitor gone, the human won't have anyone to save her allies this time." Odalia said.

"I don't mean her little team... they will be dealt with in time." belos said, "Your mission is to plant this under the owl house."

Belos handed her a small device.

"What is it?"

"A bomb, one capable of destroying the entire house." Belos said, "Your mission is to plant it under the house, without getting caught, and then wait for the perfect opportunity to detonate it. I want that human to watch as everything she loves is burnt to the ground."

"Oh my, it sounds marvelous." Odalia said with a sadistic grin and took the bomb from him.

"You may leave."

Odalia nodded and left his quarters, grading out to plant the bomb immediately under the owl house. It would take some time and she would need to learn a couple spells to fully fulfill this mission, but she would accomplish this.

'Soon, Human, you will fall into a pit of despair where only death by my hand is your only salvation.' Odalia thought.

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