Ch 60: Nightly Comfort

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At the Manor, Boscha cried herself to sleep. Luz and Amity decided to stay the night for emotional support and to think of any other theories concerning her kidnapped father.

"When I get my hands on whoever did this. I'm going to... to... ¡Voy a arrancarles los intestinos y asfixiarlos con eso!" Luz said.

"I know that's a threat but I'm curious to what it means." Amity said to Luz.

Luz moved to her ear and whispered the meaning. Amity gasped.

"When did you become so violent?" Amity asked.

"When everyone I cared about is in danger." Luz said.

That was both flattering and scary, how far would Luz go to protect the ones she loved? Would she even...kill someone? That was a question neither wanted to know. But they both agreed, the sooner they find him, the better.

"I have a feeling who might be responsible may not like it." Luz said to Amity.

"Who is it?" Amity asked her.

"The.... Emperor's Coven. I know you guys see them as the heroes but to me and Eda, they aren't. Especially H-The Golden Guard and a new member, the ones I faced at the knee." Luz said to her.

"If they hurt you, then they're enemies to me." Amity said, "Now begs the question, how do we find out where he is?"

"Hmm, Lilith was able to make a Scrying Spell to spy on the coven once. Maybe we can ask her for something similar to help us find Mr. Triplet?" Luz suggested.

"That's a good idea." Amity said, "Seeing as she's the only Potioneer available it's the only choice."

'Well, there's also Eda but she's probably not as good.' Luz thought for a moment, remembering most of her potion and elixir making was for her main business of selling them.

"Alright, let's go see Lilith." Amity said.

"We'll go first thing tomorrow. I don't think we should leave Boscha just yet." Luz considered as she looked towards the sleeping triclops.

"She doesn't deserve this." Luz said, "She's too nice of a person for something this bad to happen."

"I know." Amity said.

Both girls moved to lay next to Boscha to give her warmth and comfort in bed, something that recognize as she cuddled with them in her sleep and smiled. They kissed her cheeks before sleeping, hoping that they'll be able to keep her calm in the night.

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