Ch. 106: All Forms of Punishment

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Boscha was right, her wallet was crying... and Luz is spending the next two weeks as her pajamas for it.

'Worth it.' Luz thought as she was being worn by Boscha as the triclops watched the crystal ball in bed.

"I am never leaving my card with you again." Boscha said, "I was meant to become a chair and now I'm punishing you, which honestly is punishing me."

"Sorry.....not sorry." Luz said with a mumble at the end.

"What was that?" Boscha asked, looking at Luz's face on her shirt.

"Nothing, my pink beauty." Luz said.

Boscha smirked and crossed her arms over her chest, blocking Luz's vision.


"You're lying and I am punishing you, no crystal ball." Boscha said.

"I'm sorry." Luz said.

"Apology accepted but you're still not watching the crystal ball." Boscha said.

Luz pouted.

"Keep pouting and I'll move your face to the back." Boscha said.

"This isn't fair." Luz mumbled.

"Again, I was supposed to spend the night as a chair, but then you spent over 100,000 snails." Boscha said, "So, again, keep pouting and I'll move your face to back of my pants."

'I regret letting Willow pick that ribs place now.' Luz thought as she forced herself to stop pouting.

How can a plant witch rack up a 100,000 snails bill at an all you can eat rib place?!

"Can you at least take your arms off my eyes so I can see?" Luz asked

"Maybe if you say please." Boscha said.

"Please?" Luz asked.

"Fine." Boscha said.

Boscha uncovered her eyes and let Luz watch the CB.

It didn't last long, as Boscha unbuttoned Luz and took her off, revealing a purple tank top.

"Why am I getting punished?" Amity asked, "I didn't even do anything."

"Because I like you being near me." Boscha said as she let Luz fall, causing her vision to become black from being pressed into the mattress.

"Oh come on!" Luz said with a groan!

All she could do was listen to the sound before it was time for Boscha to go to bed. When it was time for Boscha to go to bed, she buttoned Luz back up.

"There. Goodnight girls." Boscha said as she got in bed and shut her eyes.

"Goodnight." Luz said.

Amity wasn't able to speak as Luz made her voice was muffled.

"Goodnight to you too, Amity." Luz said, understanding her.

They went to sleep. As the trio was sleeping peacefully, someone else was having a hard time sleeping as he was being plagued by hard visions or nightmares or whatever he was seeing! Hunter woke up with a gasp. His gasp awoke his loyal Palisman, Flapjack, as he turned to him.

'Are you alright?' Flapjack tweeted as Hunter whipped his forehead of sweat.

"I-I think." Hunter said to himself.

Flapjack flew and landed on his shoulder. He rubbed against his cheek. This allows Hunter to calm down a bit, leaning a bit into it as he thought back to when these visions or nightmares began. It was shortly after he fell into the Titan's Blood. The voice in his head, it wasn't that bad as he grew to trust it, but these visions he was getting in his sleep were becoming a problem!

"How do I stop them?"

'...I don't know, Hunter. I wish I could, I truly do, but the best I could do is some magic to help you sleep better.' Flapjack sadly tweeted. 'But, could it be possibly they're trying to tell you something?'

Hunter thought about it for a second, when he had an idea.

'Are... are you listening?' He thought to the voice.

'I always am.'

'Are you the reason I'm seeing this stuff? Are you or they.....trying it tell me something important?' Hunter thought as Flapjack watched him with worry.

'Indeed, something bad will happen, very soon.'

'Bad? How bad?' Hunter thought in worry.

'Extremely. And your "uncle" is at the center of it.' the voice said to Hunter, 'You must do everything you can to protect the Human... she will be able to stop it.'

'Luz?' Hunter thought. 'I suppose since she wields the Monado, I suppose-'

'It is not the sword that makes her able to stop what comes, it is her will to help others.' the Voice said to him.

'If that will breaks, if she loses everything she holds dear, then there is no stopping what will come.'

Hunter had doubts but he could theorize that Luz had her limits, even with the power she wields.

'I....I'll do my best to look out for her from the shadows.' Hunter thought.

'Good... dark clouds are forming.'

Hunter felt the voice go silent at this, leaving him in his room to think about the "dark clouds" that would form.

Elsewhere, Belos was looking at the portal door. It was finally complete and all he needed was to get the titan's blood just right before activating it.

'Soon, everything will FINALLY end.' He thought.

"My Lord, the Eclipse Enforcer wants to speak with you." Kikimora said.

"Hmm? Send her in." Belos said as he turned to her.

Kikimora nodded to him and left the room, gesturing for Odalia to come in with her armor on but her helmet under her right arm.

"My liege." Odalia said with a bow and left arm over her chest.

"I'm glad you arrived." Belos said, "You wished to speak with me?"

"Yes, master. I just wish to know what is our next move going forward. I understand the plan and the Titan's blood but I worry the human my prove to be a thorn down the line." Odalia said with a growl, thinking of Luz.

"Indeed, and it seems you constantly seem to fail." Belos said.

Odalia remained silent at this, growling in frustration, before taking a breath.

"I know and I apologize for my failure." Odalia said.

"I'm glad... because if you mess up again, you won't have the chance to again." Belos said, leaning down and looking at her with glowing blue eyes, "Understood?"

"Understood, sir." Odalia said before looking up to him. "What is my next mission, sir?"

"She's gaining Allies, which means its time to take out the ones she has."

"By any means necessary?" Odali asked, slowly smiling with sadistic glee.

"Any and ALL." Belos said with some sadism in his voice. "Can you handle that, my Eclipse Enforcer?"

"Yes, my Emperor."

"Then go, prepare yourself for the morrow." Belos said as Odali rose to her feet and left the room.

Belos waited until he was certain that he was alone.

"Just wait a little longer, and soon every one of these creatures will be dead."

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