Ch. 104: The Fruits of Labor

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Later, Boscha was planted in the backyard of Triplet manor, while the group took Willow to a glass smith.

"This sucks." Boscha said, "They said I would be stuck like this for an unknown amount of time."

"It's not that bad, sweetheart." Elizabeth said as she and Mavic came out to her.

"How is it not that bad?" Boscha asked.

"Well... your baring fruit." Mavic said, "That's something no other tree in the yard has."

Mavic reached up and took a fruit from Boscha's branches, making her flinch a bit from the sensation.

Mavic reached up and took a fruit from Boscha's branches, making her flinch a bit from the sensation

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"Just looking at them they seem fresh and juicy. They could see well in the market." Mavis said before taking a bite.

"Dad! Could you not!?" Boscha asked.

Elizabeth also took a fruit and took a bite.

"It does taste amazing, we could plant some of these and grow more." Elizabeth said, "We could sell them at the restaurant."

"Great, my fruit is going to be sold at the restaurant." Boscha said, "Can you not take my fruit? It feels like you're pulling my hair out."

"Sure but no promises sweetie." Elizabeth said as she ate her fruit quicker than before, finding it SO good!

'Great, this is going to be a LONG three days.' Boscha thought, 'At least I'm a hot tree, maybe Luz and Amity will take some time to admire me before turning me back.'

She was so distracted that Boscha missed her parents taking one more fruit each!

"OUCH!" She screamed in pain, "Would you stop that!"

She was ignored. As Boscha was being picked for her juicy fruit, everyone else was at the glass smith and watching as the smith looked over Willow in the small bottle.

"Hmm, this is a VERY common bottle but with how stuffed this young girl is within it, it's been reinforced to withstand her completely." He said to them.

"Can you get her out?" Luz asked.

"Yes, but it will take a while."

"Can you explain more?" Gus asked him.

"I'll need a diamond tipped spike, complete silence, and a calming pot of tea. In your terms, about 2-3 hours." The glass smith explained.

"Well, it's not like I'm going anywhere." Willow said.

"I don't either." Gus said with his hand up.

"I should call to see how Eda and King are." Luz said as she pulled out her school.

"I'll go to Triplet Manor to see how Boscha's doing." Amity said.

The two went separate direction. But came back for a quirk kiss before continuing in their ways. Amity flew via staff back to Triplet Manor and checked on Boscha but say she was whimpering a bit and a lot of her fruit was gone.

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