Ch. 95: Testing Improvements

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Luz arrived at the Owl House and entered it, noticing that it was pretty quiet.

"Eda? King?" Luz asked aloud, searching for them.


"I guess they went out."

Closing the door behind her, Luz decided to head into the kitchen to make herself some breakfast since she had to run away from Triplet Manor before she could eat.

"Sorry, Boscha, but you're not bathing in me until we get married." Luz said.

She opened the fridge and pulled out some griffin eggs with green sausages. She began cooking, making extra just incase Eda and King came back.

'Wonder where they ran off to so early in the morning? Maybe Eda needed to restock on her elixirs.' Luz thought, 'Or maybe she went to a bar and King needed to pick her up... again.'

Luz turned in the stove and began to cook the griffin eggs, taking a nice whiff of the first food she could eat safely here.

'Just like how mom made them... kind of.' Luz thought.

The eggs themselves were scrambled and sort of bluish green and the sausage turned red when it was cocked but it still smelled delicious, and it made Luz so hungry as she scraped some in a plate. She sat at the table and waited for Eda to come back. She didn't know when she would be back, but she knows Eda will be back. So, she doesn't have to worry without a reason. Elsewhere, Odalia was frustrated. She needed to find out who this person in the black cloak was. Especially since after reporting to Belos about the failed attempt with the Death Glider.

'I hope that beast freezes to death!' Odalia thought as she was in her new room in the coven castle.

"When I find that bastard, I will put him in the ground." Odalia said.


Odalia jumped at Belos voice and turned around. She looked at the ground as Belos walked close to her.

"You will bring him to me... alive." Belos said.

Elsewhere, Boscha was filing her nails on her bed.

"Are you going to turn me back anytime soon?" Amity asked from the bathroom.

"When my new tub, or Luz, comes." Boscha said, "Which ever comes first."

"And how long is that going to take?" Amity asked.

"My new tub, about a week." Boscha said, "Luz... we both know she can't stay away."

Boscha walked into the bathroom and ran a finger over Amity's ceramic body.

"Besides, this could be worse." Boscha said.

"What could be worse than being a tub?" Amity asked.

"Being a toilet." Boscha said.

"Then I'm glad Luz didn't break the toilet with a glyph." Amity said.

"Yeah, that's too far even for me." Boscha said, "Unless someone messes with my girls. Then I don't care what they become."

"Like a toilet bowl brush or a bar of soap?" Amity asked.

"Even a plunger." Boscha added, "If you want, I could turn Odalia into a plunger. It would be a good fate."

Amity imagined it and laughed loudly at the thought of her mother screaming in agony as she was used to unclog filthy toilets and possibly taking mouthfuls of other people's crap. It'd be poetic. Very poetic.

"You're thinking about it, aren't you?" Boscha asked, trying not to laugh herself.

"You put it in my head, or whatever my head is right now." Amity said to Boscha.

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