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"Tae! Please, stop running around! It's time for a nap!" Jungkook held his arms out as he chased Taehyung around their apartment. "Ugh, I could kill you!"

Taehyung kept avoiding his arms, jumping over obstacles and flipping off of the couch. He was so, so lucky Jungkook loved him.

"Tae, you gotta be careful! You're gonna get hurt."

"But it's f-fun, Kookie Bear!" Taehyung yelled, looking back over his shoulder at Jungkook.

Jungkook yelled for him to watch out. Taehyung slipped on a stuffed animal, sending him arm-first to the floor. Jungkook ran to the dazed Little.

"Taetae, are you okay, sweetheart?" Jungkook asked, scanning him for injuries.

Taehyung pointed to his wrist. "Kookie Bear, my - my wrist hurts."

"Let me see, Tae." Jungkook went to his wrist. It was a bit swollen. He moved Taehyung's other wrist near it to see the difference. "Taetae, I told you to be careful."

"What's wrong with - with it, Kookie Bear?" Taehyung looked at it curiously.

"It's just a sprain, Taetae. We'll have to wrap it." Jungkook stood up and helped Taehyung to the bathroom. He sat the elder on the toilet and brought out an ace bandage. As he wrapped Taehyung's wrist, Taehyung started whimpering. "I'm sorry, Tae."

"It's - it's okay, Kookie Bear. I wasn't listening."

Jungkook let go of Taehyung's wrist, who reflexively held it to himself. Jungkook watched Taehyung's eyelashes bat.

"Taetae, are you tired?"

"N-No, Kookie Bear. I'm not... not tired..." His eyes closed and his head nodded a bit before jerking back.

"Okay, sweetie. Let's get you down for your nap."

Taehyung lifted his arms and Jungkook picked him up easily, holding him bridal style. He walked Taehyung to the bedroom and laid him down, kissing his forehead. Taehyung smiled and grabbed Jungkook's collar, bringing him closer and kissing him straight on the mouth. Jungkook pulled back once Taehyung released his shirt, completely red in the face.

Taehyung giggled. "I love you, Kookie Bear!"

Jungkook cleared his throat and wished for his cheeks to stop burning. "Love you too, Tae." Jungkook left the room and turned off the light, closing the door behind him.


Jungkook was sitting on the couch watching TV when there was a loud knock on his door. He scrambled up from the couch, praying to everything good that it hadn't woken up Taehyung. He pulled open the door to find Yoongi and Jimin standing there, Jimin looking excited.

"Oh no..." Jungkook whimpered.

"TAETAE!" Jimin yelled, running past Jungkook into the apartment. Jungkook sighed and put his head in his hands, leaning against the door frame. Yoongi patted Jungkook's shoulder.

"He was finally quiet and sleeping," Jungkook said, looking through his fingers at Yoongi, who just laughed.

They heard the unmistakable sound of Taehyung screaming Jimin's name, then wrestling in the bedroom. Jungkook groaned again, knocking his head into the wall repeatedly.

"Having fun with your Little?" Yoongi asked, laughing.

"I'm inbetween kissing him and killing him."

Yoongi snorted and pushed past Jungkook into the apartment. Jungkook closed the door and moved to the couch, laying down. Yoongi sat in an armchair, pulling out his phone.

The two Littles ran into the room, screaming and chasing each other. Somehow, Taehyung had already managed to get paint all over his face. He swiped some light green and blue across Jimin's face, who gurgled cutely.

Yoongi watched and laughed breathlessly, then turned back to his phone. Jungkook sat up and yelled warnings at Taehyung, then looked over at Yoongi. "You let Jimin do that shit?"

Yoongi shrugged. "It's not hurting him. He's having fun. I get to spend extra time with him in the bath later."

Jungkook scrunched his nose. "Ew."

"Not like - ugh," Yoongi laughed. "Not like that. No. Never in little space, dude."

Jungkook smirked. "Okay, hyung. Whatever you say."

Jimin and Taehyung continued to run around the room. When Taehyung ran by Yoongi, he grabbed the Little and held him in place. "Taehyung-ah, what happened to your wrist?" he asked curiously.

"Oh! I fell er-earlier. Kookie Bear wrapped it for - for me."

Yoongi nodded and released Taehyung, who ran back to Jimin.

"So you have your reasons," Yoongi said to Jungkook.

Jungkook looked at Yoongi and nodded frantically. "Yes I do."

Jimin came running up to Yoongi and rubbed his cheek on the elder's, coating Yoongi's face in purple. Yoongi made a surprised sound and tried to rub it off, just smearing it more.

Jungkook pointed and laughed at Yoongi's expression when he looked at his purple fingers. Yoongi shot him a glare, shutting him up quick.

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