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Taehyung hadn't been running around as much as usual. He was well behaved, doing everything Jungkook asked, and going to bed on time. Jungkook was oddly proud. He could finally sleep and just hang out with Taehyung. The only thing that threw him off was how much Taehyung seemed not to laugh or smile.

"Hey, Taetae?" Jungkook asked. The two of them were sitting at the kitchen table, eating dinner. Taehyung was drinking out of his sippy cup. "What's wrong?"

Taehyung looked sad for a second before covering it up. "Nothing, K-Kookie Bear."

Jungkook sighed. "Tae, I know something's wrong. You're not acting like a hyper puppy."

Taehyung meets his eyes with a sad expression. "Does Kookie Bear n-not want to be with me?"

"Why would you ever think that, Taetae?" Taehyung shrugged. "Who told you that?"

"N-No one, Kookie. I j-just feel like you sh-shouldn't have to t-take care of me."

"Taetae... I want to. I wanna take care of you."

Taehyung looked unconvinced. He kept his eyes down.


Taehyung only shrugged again.

"Fine. I'll show you." Jungkook stood up and pulled Taehyung from his seat, dragging him to the bathroom.

Taehyung stood still, sadly, as he let Jungkook undress him. Jungkook filled the tub and threw in some bath bubbles. He put the younger in the tub. Taehyung let him do whatever he wanted, feeling small and like he wasn't needed.

When Jungkook started stripping as well, Taehyung looked up. Jungkook climbed into the tub behind him.

"Kookie B-Bear?"

"Shh, Taetae." Jungkook poured some body wash onto his hands and began rubbing the tension out of Taehyung's shoulders.

Taehyung sighed, immediately relaxing. Jungkook smiled and kissed his temple. He rubbed Taehyung's back, making sure to focus on his spine. Taehyung closed his eyes with a smile.

Jungkook had given him baths before, but had never gotten in with him. Taehyung liked this better.

Jungkook handed Taehyung his favourite bath toy, a gray shark, and continued his massage. Taehyung played through the bubbles with the shark. Jungkook leaned forward subtly and kissed Taehyung's neck.


"Shh, Taetae. Just relax, okay?"

Taehyung nodded quickly. Jungkook kept rubbing his lower back, kissing his neck lightly. Taehyung shut his eyes again, enjoying the feeling. Jungkook kissed up Taehyung's neck and kissed his temple, nosing behind Taehyung's ear.

Taehyung turned his head to face Jungkook. He pouted, asking for a kiss. Jungkook laughed and kissed him sweetly.

"Time to get out, Tae. It's time for bed."

Taehyung smiled and nodded, standing up. Jungkook got out as well, wrapping a towel around each of them before letting the water out of the tub.

In the bedroom, Jungkook got dressed quickly then helped dry off Taehyung. He dressed Taehyung in the softest onesie they owned, a cute panda one, and rubbed the towel over Taehyung's hair. When the elder's hair was dry, Jungkook kissed his cheek and led him to the bed.

He handed Taehyung a stuffed puppy. Taehyung smiled and clutched it to himself, kissing its soft fur. He reached his arm out for Jungkook. Jungkook took his hand and got under the blankets as well, holding the elder to him.

"Goodn-night, Kookie Bear. I love youuu~"

Jungkook kissed Taehyung softly. "I love you too, little one. Goodnight."

Taehyung snuggled up to Jungkook, placing his head against Jungkook's chest. Jungkook ran his fingers through Taehyung's fluffy, tangled locks as he closed his eyes and fell asleep.

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